What is the main cause of cirrhosis and liver cancer? What are the symptoms of end stage liver cancer? How high are liver enzymes with liver cancer? What is stomach cancer? What is metastatic esophageal cancer? What is metastatic pancreatic cancer?
What are the four major types of cirrhosis according to their causes?Question:What are the four major types of cirrhosis according to their causes?Cirrhosis:Cirrhosis is a disorder of the liver in which the liver cells begin to degenerate, and the liver tissue begins to scar. Cirr...
Today such claims are unthinkable, as smokers face despiteful stares of contempt whenever they light up. Die-hards (顽固派) apart, society now accepts the huge damage to health caused by smoking, both to smokers themselves and to others through passive smoking - a change in attitudes with ...
Reasons why you might need a liver transplant include diseases that can lead to cirrhosis (scarring of the liver), which then causes liver failure, such as: Infections, especially hepatitis B and C Alcoholic liver disease, or liver disease caused by alcohol Metabolic dysfunction-associated steato...
Most people (about 80%) can't fight off the virus without treatment. In this case, you will develop chronic hepatitis C. Hep C infection causes inflammation in your liver that will eventually lead to damage and permanent scarring (cirrhosis). Cirrhosis of the liver is a serious condition th...
Liver fat storage, also called hepatic steatosis, is increasingly common and represents a very frequent diagnosis in the medical field. Excess fat is not without consequences. In fact, hepatic steatosis contributes to the progression toward liver fibrosis. There are two main types of fatty liver di...
指甲上的白色月牙是什么(Whatarethewhitecrescentteeth) Thehalfmoonoftherootofthenailiscalledahalfmoon, calledthehealthcircle.Ingeneral,1/5isthebeststateof thenail,toobigortoosmalltobenormal.Peoplewithtoo largeamonthandahalfarepronetohighbloodpressureand ...
The main mechanism of action is: ① Venous dilation causes blood to remain in the periphery, reducing blood volume, preload, and ventricular wall tension; it dilates arteries, reduces peripheral vascular resistance, and increases systolic arterial pressure and mean arterial pressure (afterload). ) ...
Both are restrictive diets that eliminate added sugars, grains, beans and most legumes, but they have different rules on eating fruits, vegetables, dairy, fats and soy. Kathleen ZelmanJan. 13, 2025 The Medi-Weightloss Program This low-calorie, low-carb commercial diet plan offers fast weight ...
What is the main cause of osteoporosis? What are the major causes of malnutrition in developing countries? What is tryptophan? Does eating turkey really make you sleepy? What are the main causes of Scoliosis? Can it be genetic? What causes the skeletal disorder Rickets?