The national unemployment rate for October 2024. The rate remained the same from the previous month.3 According to the BLS, those with temporary, part-time, or full-time jobs are considered employed, as are those who perform at least 15 hours of unpaid work for a family business or farm....
Standard & Poor’s long-term issuer credit ratings are represented asletter grades, with AAA being the highest and D the lowest. A company that excels at its financial management may earn the coveted AAA rating, while a company that earns a D rating may be in a great deal of financial ...
While the main benefit of email automation is that you can set up your sequences and quickly move on to other projects, it’s essential to keep track of your campaign’s KPIs. Write down the goal behind your campaign and how you’ll measure it. Are you interested in open rates, click...
These loans tend to have the lowest interest rates, the best borrower benefits and the most safeguards in place to keep you from entering delinquency or default if you experience financial difficulties. Filing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid, or FAFSA, sh...
The default rate is the percentage of loans outstanding that have been written off by the lender as unpaid. Default rates are economic indicators.
You need to have a complete picture, i.e., the extent to which the rate can harm your business or ways in which it cripples your company, to take the proper measures in the right direction. Some side-effects of churn are:High Customer Churn Points Towards Grave Issues...
terms with your creditors. These may include waived fees and lower interest rates. The debts that are part of the plan get consolidated into a single monthly payment you make to the credit counseling agency. This isn't a free service, but you'll probably offset the cost in interest savings...
Peters, Terry
While most lenders do things the same way, others do things differently in order to quote a lower APR than their competitors. Some lenders are simply more conservative in what they define as a PFC because they want to avoid regulator scrutiny. Those lenders may have higher APR quotes than ...
While there is no hard rule about what qualifies as a "good" or "bad" DTI, lenders typically prefer to see ratios below 36%. Ratios above 43% are generally considered red flags. If your DTI is on the higher side, consider taking steps to pay off your debt or increase your income. ...