When kids know how their bodies work, they are more likely to take better care of themselves. Once children learn the science behind the systems of the body, they can translate that knowledge into better choices for their mental and physical wellbeing. Health literacy is knowledge to last ...
Mental health literacy: what does it mean for substance use and why does it matter?Reist
The concept of health literacy evolved from a history of defining, redefining, and quantifying the functional literacy needs of the adult population. Along with these changes has come the recognition that sophisticated literacy skills are increasingly needed to function in society and that low literacy...
Furthermore, social behaviors influence the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) which are reflecting an increasing trend worldwide, especially in young people. The aim of this study was to analyze the relationship between the LHL, sexual behaviors and STDs, among first-year students ...
Health literacy can affect one's ability to understand medical terminology and make informed medical decisions. Look into the definition of health...
Health literacy: what the issue is, what is happening, and what can be done.BeccahCaliforniaRothschildCaliforniaSageHealth Promotion PracticeRothschild B. Health literacy : what the issue is, what is happen- ing ,and what can be done[ J]. Health Promotion Practice,2005, 6(2):8-11....
Environmental Literacy:Environmental literacy can be understood as a set of skills that allow us to know, understand, and utilize information and knowledge so that we can make sound decision-making about environmental issues. Some examples of its elements are cognitive skills, sociopolitical knowledge,...
Health outcomes cannot be optimized when patients do not understand how to appropriatelytake their medications. I tell my students that it doesn't matter how much you know or how smart you are when the patient hasn't understood anything you just said.My goal is to help students see the ...
The Lens of Health Literacy-And What It Means to Be Patient-CenteredWhat information do patients need to make the right choice for their health? Which health plan...Parker, RuthDillard, Rebecca
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