However, this area of the Kimberley is rich in sandstone gorges. Some of these gorges are the right size and orientation—away from the sun—to offer cane toads more comfortable, shady habitats. The researchers used remote cameras at eight different locations to monitor the toads' activity. The...
If conditions are favorable, fertilization can happen when the pollen arrives at the female part of the plant. The pistil is comprised of the stigma, style, ovary and ovule. The pollen travels down the style, which connects the stigma to the ovary of the plant...
Why are cane toads a pest? Are cane toads endangered? Where do cane toads go during the day? Who brought cane toads to Australia? Do cane toads croak? Do cane toads come out in winter? What do Sonoran Desert toads eat? What is a group of cane toads called?
(2008). "Sexual communication in cane toads, Chaunus marinus: what cues influence the duration of amplexus?" Animal Behaviour 75: 1571-1579.Bowcock, H., Brown, G. P. and Shine, R. (2008). Sexual communication in cane toads, Chaunus marinus: what cues influence the duration of amplexus...
the impacts of invasive species in Florida can be catastrophic and lead to permanent changes in ecosystems throughout the state. Furthermore, some invasive species can impact homes, recreational areas, and even spread diseases to humans. While the number of invasive species continue to rise, there...
AclassicexampleofaninvasivespeciesisthecanetoadBufomarinus. AnativetoCentralandnorthernSouthAmerica,thisspecieswasintroducedontomyriadsugar-producingislandsaroundtheworld,includingAustraliain1935,asa“biocontrol”forthesugarcanebeetle,whoselarvaeweredestroyingsugarcanecrops. TheplaninAustraliaandelsewherewasforthetoadsto...
An organ is a structure in the body that has, at minimum, two different kinds of tissues that function together for the same purpose. The kidneys, the heart and even skin are all organs. A human actually has two circulatory systems: a short loop running
Anyone who has watched the movement of waves on water can understand the wave equation, one of the most basic relationships in physics. The two parameters you need to calculate a wave's velocity are its frequency -- the number of wave crests that pass a
the impacts of invasive species in Florida can be catastrophic and lead to permanent changes in ecosystems throughout the state. Furthermore, some invasive species can impact homes, recreational areas, and even spread diseases to humans. While the number of invasive species continue to rise, there...
Cane toads Kathykafka/Getty Images Cane toads are large amphibians native to parts of Central and South America. Unlike some other invasive species that were introduced to Florida on accident, the cane toad was intentionally brought to the region to help control sugar cane pests during the 1930s...