Not that long ago IFRA banned musk xylene and other nitromusks (synthetic musks) in the 80’s and 90’s and limited the use of musk ketone and Tonalide as a ‘musk’ synthetic. Chances are you haven’t smelled true musk in a perfume, and if you did IFRA would like to come chat ...
From Egyptian mummies to the Chanel N° 5 perfume, aldehydes have been used for a long time and continue to impact our senses in a wide range of perfumes, foods, and beverages. Aldehydes represent one of the categories of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), which are categorized as chemicals...
Finally, I evaluated the interplay between consonance and diversity by counting the number of different voices and viewpoints presented in every news article (excluding articles that did not present any voice or viewpoint) among the actors and viewpoints categories that were presented, pointing out th...