For in six days the Lord made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day. Therefore, the Lord blessed the Sabbath day and made it holy." Sabbath Regulations (Exodus 31:12-17, ESV): "And the Lord said to Moses, 'You are to speak to the...
No, one of the most important purposes of the Sabbath was to provide a day for believers to worship and focus on God, as individuals and communities (Isaiah 58:13-14). It is not that we are free to ignore God on the other six days; every day belongs to Him. But by designating one...
Some Christians today are exhorting the Sabbath was changed to Sunday because they claim the New Testament Church worshipped habitually on the first day of the week.Acts 20:7is the most commonly quoted scripture to support this argument, yet the truth is that this meeting did not fall on wh...
And Jesus isNOTthe 'Lord of the 1st day' or 'Lord of any day'. No. Jesus is 'Lord of THE SABBATH.' It is man who has 'replaced' the 7th day Sabbath, not God. So who are you going to follow? God or man? If a doctor made an 'appointment' with you for Monday, would you ...
Are there downsides to sabbatical leave? There can be downsides to sabbatical leave for both employees and companies. For employees, a sabbatical leave may negatively affect salary, promotion eligibility or performance review results. For companies, providing sabbatical leave can be a costly investment...
aSome covens celebrate sabbaths weekly, others each month, at the time of either the fall moon or the new moon. Additionally, there are four great dabbaths held when the power of darkness is at its greatest: Candlemas, Walpurgis Night, Lammas and Halloween. At these four dark feasts, cov...
30:9.5 The amah and the eved are paired in various pentateuchal laws: Exod. 20:10 and Deut. 5:14, the inclusion within the Decalogue Sabbath requirement; Exod. 20:14 and Deut. 5:18, inclusion within the Decalogue prohibition on coveting; Exod. 21:20, 26-7, regarding assaults; ...
In order to be kosher, the making of the wine must be supervised by a Sabbath-observant Jew or rabbi. The processes are the same – although all ingredients used, from yeast to egg-white finings – must be kosher as well. But what about mevushal –doesn't that entail boiling the ...
Godat specific holy places, through the use of definite holy objects (altars, pillars, trees, etc.), with the help and leadership of certain holy men (priests, prophets), in definite holy ways (through sacrifice, and ritual), and at fixed holy days or periods (festivals, sabbaths, etc....
What are thescriptural roots of our understanding of preaching? How do wemake sense of the psalms of conflict? What does Scripture say aboutpoverty and our response to it? What is the meaning of Sabbath? What is it like toencounter the person of Jesus?