describing the North Tower’s collapse, as the police officer began to explain how we should all get a towel to cover our faces and we would try to find a way out the back of the hotel, where perhaps the dust cloud would be diminished. The...
When paired with a Scout, the Engineer’s Platform Gun becomes essential for bleeding the caves of Hoxxes dry of every last mineral. Though it’s difficult for you to climb up to these high places, platforms are perfect landing pads for the Scout and his Grappling Hook. Platforms are also...
There are also places that don't accept the chip at all and require a mag-stripe read, but these places have chip readers with the chip reader slot covered over. (I have no idea why they don't go to chip since it's there, but it is what it is.) I just returned from a ...
Developed by Austrian candy executive Eduard Haas, Pez was asmall mint candynamed for a shortened German word for peppermint. First sold in small tins, the candy sold well for more than 20 years, until Pez dispensers came out in 1948. Pez's popularity continues to this day with the iconic...
Some put acid in lube dispensers in gay saunas. But none of that removes the right we have to fuck anyone who can and does consent. Around the world, not all LGBT people have that right protected. The right to form domestic partnerships Australia is pretty good when it comes to ...