What do Confucianism, Daoism, Legalism and Buddhism have in common? What are the Analects of Confucius? What are Confucianism followers called? What Chinese philosophy was based on the teachings of Laozi? Do the Analects represent Confucianism or Daoism?
He himself kept large tracts of land for his own use and allocated land to his relatives and his followers who had won merit in the conquest. Those people who received land from the king were made “barons” and in return they had to provide the king with knights if there should be a...
What is the Guru Granth Sahib written in? What do the Vedas contain? What are the books of the Bible? What does The Bhagavad Gita teach about meditation? What is the Shinto principle of polytheism? What are the first five books of the Bible called in Christianity?
Sometimes known as heathenry, Norse Paganism is based on the old Norse religion that was practised in Scandinavia before Christianity showed up. Followers of Norse Paganism believe that life is centred on a vast sacred tree called the Yggdrasil, which has different realms extending out from it. H...
For this reason, it’s sometimes called the true church. Generally speaking, we treat most people in the visible church as if they were truly saved, giving them the benefit of the doubt. Joe: There are a lot of things you could say in response to this. For instance, when St. Paul ...
The wounds and agony Jesus suffered on the cross help us remember the dedication and love of Father and Son. The grief of his mother, Mary, and the followers of Jesus, are shared in Scripture. Hearing or reading the word of God can bring us closer to Him. Through sharing fellowship...
The Holy Trinity is basis in all Christianity, not just Catholics. They are all the same God, in different forms (for lack of a better informed word). God created Man in His image. That doesn’t mean 10 fingers, 10 toes. It means God the Father is the Mind. God the Son is the ...
The first followers of Jesus were not intending to overthrow the established ekklesia of their cities. They were not plotting political rebellion. Yet, the Christians were setting up an alternative society which, as it grew, would indeed come to upset the apple cart of civic life throughout ...
After the introduction of Christianity, both the early Christians and the followers of the Hellenist (Greco-Roman-Egyptian) gods each used the term pejoratively to describe the other. The term was always used as an insult. No one would self-identify as an atheist. ...
What are the symbols and most cherished beliefs of?Polytheism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism, Zoroastrianism, Judaism, Christianity, and Islam? Polytheism versus Monotheism: Polytheistic religions believe that the Supreme Almig...