This is the optimal fetal position for childbirth. The baby enters the pelvis with their head down and chin tucked to the chest, facing the mother's back. The head points to the birth canal in this position. The arms and legs are drawn towards the chest. In the occiput anterior presenta...
Fetal alcohol syndrome is a disorder (a group of symptoms) that occurs in a person due to prebirth alcohol exposure including wine, beer, and hard liquor often leading to physical, behavioral, and learning disabilities. No exact statistics are available due to the difficult diagnosis, various sy...
Who came up with stages of prenatal development? What are the factors affecting prenatal development? A zygote appears in which stage of prenatal development? What happens after blastocyst formation? Identify the major changes in embryonic and fetal development at the stages listed below: a) 1st tr...
c. excitement phase d. resolution phase Sexual Response Cycle: The sexual response cycle is the pattern of physiological events that occur during sexual arousal and intercourse. The cycle has four stages that occur in both men and women. Answer an...
Viability is a broad-spectrum term that includes the periviable, or premature stages. When will my baby reach the point of fetal viability? Unfortunately, fetal viability is not always so clear cut. While fetal viability is generally considered to occur at 24 weeks, some doctors now conside...
What Are the Stages of Fetal Development? What is a Midwife? What is a Doula? What is an Umbilical Cord? Discussion Comments By anon1002364 — On Nov 07, 2019 I'm glad I found this website/blog. It helps. I'm 46 years old, 47 in December. My hubby and I have been trying for...
Fetal doppler can be used at home, starting from the12th week of pregnancy. More sensitive devices that can display the fetal heart function in the early stages are expensive and are considered special medical equipment. Technique of the Procedure: ...
What are the 4 stages of labor? Labor happens in four stages: First stage: Dilation of the cervix (mouth of the uterus) Second stage: Delivery of the baby. Third stage: Afterbirth where you push out the placenta. Fourth stage: Recovery. ...
The study of sexual dimorphism in psychiatric and neurodevelopmental disorders is challenging due to the complex interplay of diverse biological, psychological, and social factors. Males are more susceptible to neurodevelopmental disorders including inte
The fetal period begins at the start of the ninth week after conception and it is during this period that most of the size and weight of the baby are gained. The fetal period is accompanied by the significant development of the internal organs and bone structure of the baby....