解析 Associative meaning is the secondary meaning supplemented to the conceptual meaning.It is open-ended and indeterminate. It is liable to the influence of such factors as culture, experience, religion, geographical region, class background, education, etc....
人的性格是由什么因素决定的(Whatarethefactorsthat determinethecharacterofaperson) Howdoespersonalitydevelopandmature?Whatarethefactors thatinfluenceit?Ordoesitchange?Theseareanimportant aspectofpsychologicalresearch,andarealsoconcernedby psychologists.Thedevelopment,formationandchangeof personalityarecloselyrelatedtohuma...
First of all, everything we do has its own value. If you think something you are doing is useless, it is just that you haven't recognized its significance. Some things, trivial and unimportant as they may seem, can play a big role somewhere you haven't yet noticed, just like the but...
6.displacement(不受时空限制的特性) Displacement refers to the fact that human language can be used to talk about things that are not in the immediate situations of its users. 7.duality of structure(结构二重性) The organization of language into two levels, one of sounds, the other of meaning...
For another, some young people who are addicted to social networking websites or online games isolate themselves in their virtual world and are too lazy to communicate with people in the real world. In brief, taking into account...
"These amino acids are usually in competition with tryptophan—the precursor of serotonin—to cross the blood-brain barrier, meaning to enter the brain", she says. "So with less of these amino acids available, it increases the chance that tryptophan is picked up, which can result in an incr...
theyattach to, such as flower, flowers, whereas derivational affixes might, asthe relationship between small and smallness and that between brother and brotherhood show.(3) That whether one should add inflectional affixes or not depends very often on other factors within the phrase or sentence at...
3.Social meaning of words refers to the information about the potential social circumstances where the words are appropriate to be used. Social meaning varies according to the following factors:DIALECT (e.g. the language of geographical region or of a social class)TIME (e.g. the language of ...
Happiness is considered important by all people. Why is it hard to define happiness? What are the factors that are necessary to achieve happiness? [译:人人都觉得幸福很重要。为什么幸福如此难以定义?获得幸福最重要的因素是什么?] Upon reading this essay question, I recalled the article learned in ...
2017年4月20日,我国自主研制的首艘货运飞船天舟一号在海南文昌成功发射,在后续的日子里与天宫二号空间实验室自动交会对接并完成推进剂在轨补加试验。上述材料说明①实践是一种直接现实性活动②真理都是具体的和有条件的③实践是有目的有意识的活动④真理的内容和形式具有客观性 ...