施特劳斯认为,政治哲学是哲学的组成部分或一个分支:“哲学”表示处理的方式,本根的和整全的;“政治的”既表示主题又表示功能。(By calling this pursuit political philosophy, we imply that it forms a part of a larger whole: of philosophy; or that political philosophy is a branch of philosophy. In th...
Implied-in-Fact Agreements: These agreements are inferred from the actions or circumstances of the parties. For example, ordering food at a restaurant implies an agreement to pay for the meal. Implied-at-Law Agreements: Also known as quasi-contracts, these are imposed by courts to prevent unjus...
For law is product of the intellect,Footnote 1 and reasoning is the mind’s chief intellectual activity. Whence it follows that if we are to explore and shed new light on the socio-communicative and culturally diverse dynamics characterising present-day legal experiences and modes of ordering, ...
What are the elements of a true experiment? What is an example of the Thomas theorem? There are common logical fallacies that can develop a bad argument. What are some real-life examples of Red Herring and Straw Man? What is an example of a blind spot bias?
In business law, what are the three requirements for a valid offer? Explain and give details. Explain the consequences when an intended acceptance varies or qualifies the offer. What are three of the primary sources of U.S. law? Provide one example of each primary source of law that is...
There is an investment of money. The investment is made into a "common enterprise." The investors expect to make a profit from their investment. Any expected profits or returns are due to the actions of a third party or promoter.
What Are the Elements of an Accord and Satisfaction Agreement? An accord and satisfaction is a legal agreement between two parties. It replaces an existing contract where one party settles a debt owed to another entity. This agreement generally has a few elements. First, the parties must agree...
A null and void contract is one that lacks legal enforceability from the outset due to missing essential elements or violations of contract law. A contract must contain offer and acceptance, legal object, capacity of parties, and consideration to be valid. Void contracts are unenforceable from the...
WhatAreTheElementsofInformedConsent?InformedConsent2-Elements Bothfederalandstatelawapply Research-21CFRFoodandDrugs,45CFRPublicWelfare Treatment-RCW7.70.050proof ofbreachofduty,RCW7.70.060contentsofconsentform InformedConsent2-Elements UnderstandablelanguageNatureandcharacterofthe treatmentAnticipatedresults...
What’s also remarkable is that Riverside, well, even today, the streets and other parts of Olmsted’s plans are almost completely intact.It’s really an oasis in the city that’s grown around it, the city of Chicago, since that time.Goes to show you how valuable good design really is...