What was formerly under the loose umbrella of effective judicial protection and related principles is now split over three different articles of the Charter. On the one hand, these provisions are partly overlapping; on the other hand, their configuration also leads to a lacuna. This gap is ...
By accepting optional cookies, you consent to the processing of your personal data - including transfers to third parties. Some third parties are outside of the European Economic Area, with varying standards of data protection. See our privacy policy for more information on the use of your perso...
Why are women voters moving to the left? Johnson benefits from voters’ lack of trust UK GOVERNMENT UK constitution Labour explores replacing House of Lords with elected chamber How will King Charles influence politics in the UK? New bill of rights would allow UK courts to diverge from ECHR ru...
What the f*** are F-gases?! Since March last year, there has been a renewed lobbying frenzy around F-gases. But what are they and why does this matter for the climate? Subscribe to Euractiv's Green Brief, where you’ll find the latest roundup of news covering energy & environment ...
1 of the ECHR I have had the privilege of working together with President Vincent De Gaetano since the beginning of my mandate at the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR), either in the Committee on working methods, or in the Grand Chamber and in th... LA Sicilianos - Judicial Power...
“birds of a feather” behaviour of protecting their own. At one point the UK Gov used the Companies Act which had a provision forcing a person to answer questions to a DTI inspector to great effect. However this was challenged in the ECHR and they justifiably said this was against a ...
In the shift from paternalism to patient choice, we can struggle to know what to do when faced with a patient, their family, or both requesting or demanding inadvisable, inappropriate, or futile treatments. It can feel as if we are being asked to subject patients to intrusions and ...
judgment of 2nd November 2010, andVan der Heijden v. the Netherlands(GC), n. 42857/05, judgment of 3rd April 2012, the ECtHR also gave considerable protection to the traditional values that marriage is deemed to protect. On same-sex couples under the ECHR see the chapters by Crisafulli an...
To that end, intervening should be a right rather than a mere possibility left to the discretion of the President of the Court. To be effective, such a right would entail automatic notification by the Court to the original parties that such proceedings are pending before it and should be ...
One of the first modern legal datasets [48] is the ECHR dataset consisting of 42 human-annotated judgments from the European Court of Human Rights (https://hudoc.echr.coe.int/eng, accessed on 1 May 2024) [49]. The latest version is annotated for argument mining with three types of argum...