People greet each other when they meet or when they are introduced to someone for the first time. This part focus on different ways to make introductions and great. The following sort dialogues counted the expression of instructions and greetings. Listen and fill in the blanks with the expressio...
Yah right I mean the machine here is the VIRGO MAN.He is nothing but a ROBOT devoid of romance. He cannot even communicate. What a shame. He will not reciprocate to your needs. You will feel like as if you are stuck with a zombie. He cant even kiss properly. His lack of passion ...
Thesearejustsomeofthecausesofmemoryloss.Atpresent,expertsareunabletotell exactlywhatthemainreasonleadingtomemorylossis.Thisisbecausetherecouldbemany reasonsleadingtoit,suchasenvironmentalfactors.Thebrainisacomplexorgan. 5 What mattersisthatyouareabletofollowtherightsetofguidelinestopreventyourselffromsuffering from...
P200200. What are the most common verb grammar tenses that native speakers use in Am 03:30 P201202. Get as a Phrasal Verb - Learn Fluent American English 02:52 P202203. I would like to know how to use Perhaps and Probablylike a Native English 01:15 P203204. Explain about Could Have...
There are many different types of audiences. Thus, it is important to create your content according to the audience you are targeting. Make sure that every detail is thought about and then shared on social media platforms. The key to a successful presentation is never to think that your audi...
world,eventuallygetting workteaching English inJapanandChile.AnditwasinChileshediscoveredshecould getlast-minutecheap dealson shipsgoingto Antarcticafrom theislandsoff TierradelFuego,thesouthernmosttip ofthe SouthAmericanmainland.“IjustdecidedIwantedtogo,”shesays.“IhadnoideaaboutwhatI?d findthereandIwasn...
1.What is the goal of teaching pronunciation? 2.What aspects of pronunciation do we need to teach? 第七单元语法教学 1.What are the major types of grammar presentation methods? 2.What are the major types of grammar practice activities? 第八单元词汇教学 1. What does knowing a word involve?
孩子的观点是否受到父母的影响-Wether children's opinions are influenced by parents? 目前家庭结构发生了什么改变-What change has happened to family structures? 家庭结构发生改变的原因-Why the family structures change? 家庭结构在将来会进一步发生怎样的变化What change will happen on family structures in the...
What are the different types of meeting that people often go to? Some people say that no-one likes to go to meetings -what do you think? Why can it sometimes be important to go to meetings? International meetings Example questions:
I: I understand that teaching English is becoming “big business” all around the world.P: It seems that language schools are springing up everywhere. I: Why is that?P: With the move toward a global economy, English has become the most widely used language in the world. It is the ...