All living things have genetic information called DNA in their cells. DNA makes up our chromosomes, which contain specific genes that determine a wide variety of aspects about us such as hair and eye color. Answer and Explanation:1 The different forms of a gene are call...
What are single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs)? From SNPs to Genes: Disease Association at the Gene Level SNP Detection and Analysis Rapid SNP Detection and Genotyping of Bacterial Pathogens by Pyrosequencing Genetic diversity and signatures of sel...
What are the 3 forms of RNA? What purpose do they serve? What are different type of RNA ? How can you differentiate them according to function? What are the functions of DNA and RNA? What are the characteristics of t-RNA? What are functions of the three types of RNA? 1- mRNA. ...
C. The genome analyses have no prospect in the future. D. People’s wage should be raised because of “food deserts”. 4. Which of the following can be the best title of the text? A. What You Eat Impacts Your Health B. What You Eat Forms Your Dietary Pattern C. Your Genes May ...
CategoriesAlleles,Cloning,Genes,Genetics,Heredity,Humor Dark DNA May Reveal New Lifeforms 18Jul You probably didn’t know that Viruses make up most of the DNA on our planet. There are more viruses on earth than there are stars in the universe. That’s a really, really, REALLY big number....
What are the different systems of the human body? Our bodies consist of a number of biological systems that carry out specific functions necessary for everyday living. Some organs and tissues play roles in multiple systems at once. Related:Strange, two-faced brain cells confirmed to exist, and...
Is lectin the same as lecithin?No, they sound similar but are completely different things. While the former is a sugar-binding protein, the latter – lecithin – is a generic term for a broad category of yellowish-brown lipids (fats) found in plants and animals. ...
A well-known gene that influences Alzheimer's risk is the apolipoprotein E, or APOE, gene, which comes in several different forms, or alleles. Of these alleles, APOE4 is understood to be the most significant genetic risk factor. "The APOE gene is involved in making a protein that helps ...
Hypercoagulation may cause blood clots to form anywhere in your body. Some of these conditions may become life-threatening. You may be at risk for any of the following:A deep venous thrombosis (DVT) happens when a clot forms in a deep vein, such as veins in your legs or pelvis. This ...
Sometimes, there are different forms of genes from the same person. These are calledAlleles(say a-leel). To make this easier, let us use specific examples. Let us say you have blue eyes. It would be very likely that your mum or dad also had blue eyes. If even they didn’t, the ...