JavaScript has become more sophisticated as time went on, and it was never able to fulfill itsmaximum potentialas a server-side technology in the industry. Essentially, every JavaScript code is also valid in TypeScript, and TypeScript is just JavaScript with more capabilities. What are the advan...
Endpoints are the locations of the resources, and the API uses endpoint URLs to retrieve the requested resources. What does an endpoint look like? An endpoint looks like a URL. “When you ‘call’ this endpoint, you send a request to get or update the data at that address,” explains Ha...
TypeScripting is better than JavaScript for a variety of reasons, some of which are listed below for your reference: Type Checking JavaScript is more flexible when it comes to data types, but this can also lead to mistakes. TypeScript adds extra checks to make sure you’re using the righ...
This is related to the A (Availability) in CAP, which is focused on server uptime. Knowing that you’ll always have access to the database takes precedence and is a huge benefit to database performance (that is, document databases are fast!). You’ll find that the P, Partition ...
However, there are situations in which you run code and either do not know or do not fully trust its author. The most common example of this today is in browsing the Web. Modern browsers often run code from the Web sites they visit. This code is usually JavaScrip...
What Are the Different Parts in URL Structure? The structure of a URL breaks down into five distinct parts. Like this: Scheme The scheme is the first part of the URL. It indicates the protocol for accessing the resource. A protocol is a set of rules for how a connection between a brows...
JSON Data Types In the context of development, data types are the different types of values that can be stored and manipulated in a programming language. Each data type has its own set of attributes and behaviors. JSON supports several data types, including the following: ...
Are you interested in making use of the Microsoft AzureEvent Hubs? Are you wondering how to push your CRM event data to an event hub? New in this release is the ability to easily connect CRM with event hubs. Learn how to use the new Plug-in Registration tool to configure this ...
Customers are expected to select these addresses from the existing postal address entity by using the Choose ship/bill to address lookup fields that are attached to the Order page. A new shipping/billing address can be created by using the quick create new postal address page opt...
One of the goals of the Visual Studio team was to make the upgrade to Visual Studio 2019 as seamless and simple as possible. So you’ll find that there are no breaking changes in the format of solution and projects files when you step up, and that your existing code should open as exp...