Em dashes are also known as an m dash, m-rule, long dash, or, in grammatical slang circles, “mutton.”The New York Timeseven called it “the bad boy or cool girl” of punctuation and a freewheeling scofflaw. So there you go! Em Dash Examples You've probably seen a lot of em da...
What are the rules of commas?Punctuation:Punctuation refers to the symbols used in writing, other than letters. Each language has different rules for how punctuation should be used. These marks assist one in reading with appropriate spacing....
48K Ellipses and dashes show omissions, pauses, and breaks in a text. Learn the purposes of ellipses and dashes, then explore how to select the right punctuation to give clarity and emphasis to your writing. Related to this QuestionWhat...
There are two types of dashes: the em dash and the en dash. En and em, short and long, dashes are named after the space they take in typesetting. The en dash takes up the space of the letter N and the em dash, the letter M. We don’t think of typesetting in general writing be...
The main use of em dashes is to set off extra information in a sentence. For instance, we could use em dashes in place of commas orparentheses: One of the twins—she couldn’t tell them apart—ran to greet her. As shown above, em dashes are often left unspaced when used in this ...
If you are writing withmultiple (three or more) characters, use only enough dialogue tags to clearly indicate who is speaking. If you are trying to insertactionordescription, you can use it as the dialogue tag. For example: Jen looked down. “It's good to see you.” ...
are the essence of style. Writing styles showcasehowa writer reaches their point, encompassing the totality of the author’s word choice, sentence structures, use of literary devices, etc. It is the gestalt of every decision, both conscious and unconscious, that the writer makes in the text....
Nouns that are used to add specificity or additional context to a noun in the sentence are known as appositive nouns.Appositive nouns give extra information about the subject and make sentences more engaging. They are typically set off by commas, dashes, or parentheses. ...
Elevate your writing with real-time, intelligent assistance Learn more It’s important to note that while adjectives are most commonly used to describe nouns, they can appear with linking verbs or the verb to be. A linking verb describes a state of being or a sensory experience. In the exam...
The judge’s decision was that “the two teams[the Lions and the Tigers]both violated the rules.” If you need help, call my phone number. (It is[555]123-4567.) When do you use square brackets? In general, square brackets are used much less often than parentheses in writing. Most ...