每拌制100盘且不超过100m3的同配合比的混凝土,取样不得少于( )次;每工作班拌制的同一配合比的混凝土不足100盘时,取样不得少于( )次;当一次连续浇筑超过1000m3时,同一配合比的混凝土每( )m3取样不得少于一次;每一楼层、同一配合比的混凝土,取样不得少于( )次,每次取样至少留置( )...
霍州煤电科学技术进步奖特等奖(可空缺)单项授奖人数不超过()人,授奖单位不超过7个;一等奖单项授奖人数不超过()人,授奖单位不超过6个;二等奖单项授奖人数不超过()人,授奖单位不超过5个;三等奖单项授奖人数不超过()人,授奖单位不超过4个。( )
Technically, yes you do have to discover something to get a PhD. But it does not have to be field-changing or news worthy. Instead, your discovery will likely be a small advancement in the research area that you work on. This could be considering a new angle of an existing theory or ...
The methodology lets readers assess the reliability of your research. Describe what you did and show how your methods match your aims.
The Criteria Cognitive Aptitude Test, or CCAT, measures your ability to problem solve, use new information, and think critically. Why do employers want to learn about your cognitive ability? Research shows that cognitive aptitude is one of the best predictors of your job performance. It’s far...
Publishing your research in an indexed journal increases the credibility and visibility of your work. Here we help you to understand journal indexing better.
The Master of Science in Program and Project Management offered by Warwick University is a ...
What criteria would you use to evaluate a business decision? How can you determine if the decision is ethical. What criteria would you use to conduct a needs analysis? What is the general purpose of the selection process? What steps are involved in...
But of course, I don’t know every topic well. In those cases, I‘ll contact internal HubSpotters who are experts on the subject or conduct external outreach via social media to find a reputable source willing to provide tips, quotes, or original examples. Additionally, I‘ll research sour...
Which brings me to the next point. How does AI work? Currently, most AIs rely on a process called machine learning to develop the complex algorithms that constitute their ability to act intelligently. There are other areas of AI research—like robotics, computer vision, and natural language ...