DNA and RNA are molecules that define an organism. DNA is our genetic code, whereas RNA has multiple functions, including being a messenger of the genetic code, a site of protein synthesis, and a transporter of amino acids.Answer and Explanation: The nucleic acids DNA and RNA are polymers c...
刚满1岁半的豆豆想给妈妈吃饼干时,会说:“妈妈”、“饼”、“吃”,并把饼干递过去,这表明该阶段儿童语言发展的一个主要特点是()。 @font-face { font-family: 宋体;}@font-face { font-family: 宋体;}@font-face { font-family: 等线;}@font-face { font-family: "@宋体";}@font-fa...
2. Components of a Nucleotide: A nucleotide consists of three main components: - Nitrogenous Base: This can be one of five different bases: adenine (A), thymine (T), cytosine (C), guanine (G), or uracil (U) in RNA. - Pentose Sugar: This is a five-carbon sugar molecule. In DNA,...
What is the nucleotide base found in RNA but not in DNA? What is the definition of a nucleotide? What are the components of DNA and RNA molecules? Which specific subunits are associated with each of the four nucleotides? Explain. Which 2 parts of the nucleotide covalently bond to each othe...
What are the main components of the chromosome skeleton? A、Histone B、Nonhistones C、DNA D、RNA 点击查看答案 你可能感兴趣的试题 多项选择题 《走在小康路上》2016年央视春晚歌舞类节目。作词:陈道斌;作曲:王黎光,是新时代中国声乐代表性作品。对该作品简介和曲式分析准确的是: A、 歌词亲切自然,曲调...
What Is RNA Sequencing? What Is Enzyme Catalysis? How Do Enzymes Function? What Is the Function of RNA? What Are the Different Types of RNA? What Is RNA Translation? What Is a Ribozyme? Discussion Comments WiseGeek, in your inbox
According to the picture, which part of the monomer can change? Question #2 According to the picture, which part of the monomer can change? A C B Don’t forget to chunk your notes! Double helix DNA is double stranded. cyclins The DNA strands are anti-parallel Double helix The DNA stran...
The evaluation of novel treatments is based on molecular analyses aimed at determining their efficacy. These tests are increasing in number, but the tissue specimens are smaller and smaller and/or can have few tumor cells. Indeed, in addition to tissue samples, complementary cytological and/or ...
RNA is a single-stranded nucleotide chain. RNA is flexible and can form a wider variety of secondary structures than DNA. The nucleotides of RNA contain ribose sugars. RNA strands are composed of adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil bases....