The most common symptom of ankylosing spondylitis is low back pain that develops so gradually that it may go unnoticed in the early stages. Other signs and symptoms of ankylosing spondylitis include: Fatigue Stiffness that is worse in the morning Pain in the buttocks An improvement in pain and ...
Signs and Symptoms of Heart Disease Symptoms of heart disease can vary depending on which type you have and whether you are a man or a woman. For example, with a heart attack, men are more likely to experience chest pain, while women are more likely to have symptoms other than chest dis...
What is the test for multiple myeloma? What is the difference between multiple myeloma and amyloidosis? What is stage 3 multiple myeloma? How is multiple myeloma detected? What is the difference between leukemia and multiple myeloma? What are the end stages of multiple myeloma?
You may also need any of the following:Blood tests may be done to see if you have any heart damage. They may also be used to find the cause of your bradycardia. Echocardiography is a type of ultrasound. Sound waves are used to create pictures of your heart as it beats. An ECG ...
What are the symptoms of advanced multiple myeloma? What chemotherapy drugs are used for multiple myeloma? What is myeloma bone cancer? How is multiple myeloma detected? What is the difference between multiple myeloma and amyloidosis? Is MGUS multiple myeloma?
The brain is composed of billions of cells that use chemicals and electricity to communicate between themselves and the rest of the body. There are two major types of cells, neurons and glial cells; there are subtypes of these cells.
Oliguria and anuria are signs that kidney function is declining or not up to the mark. Oliguria and anuria are signs that the kidney function is declining or not up to the mark. Oliguria (oligo=less + uria=urine) or hypouresis means not enough urine is being produced by the kidneys, re...
The significant vascularity and the large amount of cardiac output the kidney receives relative to its size, lends the procedure to bleeding complications. Several large retrospective and prospective studies exploring biopsy complications have shown that bleeding related complications are most common and can...
Cervical (C6-7) root compression in the neck It’s not as common, but for some people, carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by other health issues, such as: Amyloidosis, a disease where proteins collect in your organs Birth control pills ...
Thesigns and symptoms of hypothyroidismoften develop slowly over the years and may be mistaken for the natural changes of aging. [1] Hypothyroidism Symptoms in Adults Look out for these potential symptoms of hypothyroidism: Weight gain Fatigue ...