What planets are next to Neptune? What is the gravitational force of Jupiter? What are Neptune's clouds made of? Is Neptune the farthest planet from the sun? What is Neptune's diameter in kilometers? Is Neptune the eighth planet from the sun?
Among planets, the coldest place ever recorded is actually Uranus: This windy ice giant has been recorded at temperatures as low as 49 degrees Kelvin (minus 371 degrees Fahrenheit). The Boomerang Nebula, a protoplanetary nebula, as seen by the Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA)....
Which planet is the most cratered of the terrestrial planets? Which planet captures atmosphere gravitationally? Which planet has the largest moon: Earth, Jupiter, or Saturn? How many days are in a year on planet Mars? What's the biggest planet in the known universe?
875,040,000 km (1,786,467,032.5 mi or 19.2184 AU) – Neptune receives only 40% of the solar radiation that Uranus does. In spite of that, the twoplanets' surface temperatures are surprisingly close, with Uranus experiencing an average "surface" temperature of 76 K ...
Comparisons with Other Planets The temperature on Mercury's surface fluctuates more widely than that on the surface of any other planet. It can vary by 649 degrees Celsius (1,168 degrees Fahrenheit). By comparison, the extremes on Earth and Mars are separated by 160 degrees Celsius (288 degre...
Question: What is the temperature range on Mercury? Answer and Explanation:1 Mercury is the smallest planet in our solar system and the one closest to our Sun. Like its neighbor Venus, Mercury has no moons. Mercury orbits the... Learn more about this topic: ...
If Jupiter happened to have a moon half its own size (as Pluto does), that moon would be larger than all of the other planets except Saturn, and we would have a two-planet solar system with seven very large asteroids. The problems with this classification criterion are that they are ...
However, the moon might get extremely cold in some shadowed areas, and it might even contain the coldest temperature in the solar system, research suggests. Craters on the lunar south pole might be "doubly shadowed," meaning they are shielded not only from direct solar heat but also from sec...
What is the average temperature on Mercury? Mercury: Mercury is the closest planet to our sun. It circles the sun every 88 days, rather than Earth's orbit of 365 days. The surface of Mercury is rocky and resembles that of Earth's moon. It is a dense planet, but not the hottest. ...
The Arctic Circle Is Shrinking An Overview of the Arctic Circle We all depend on sunlight, but unless you live at the equator, you won't get the same amount of it every day. Like all the planets in this solar system, Earth rotates around an axis, an imaginary line between its North...