We always talk about the importance of public life and public space for people’s quality of life. We want to ask you, what are the characteristics that public space should have in order to promote public life? At the end of my bookCities for People, there is a section calle...
The following sections are included:IntroductionDoes Europe Already Have Megacities?Origins of Megacities and Reasons Behind Their DevelopmentDistinctive Characteristics of European DevelopmentThe Demographics of EuropeWhat Does Globalization Change in Europe from the Perspective of Megacities?Will Europe Become ...
contributions of this paper are as follows: first, to more effectively reflect the actual situation of the pandemic in Chinese cities, we used what can be considered the most complete and comprehensive data set currently available in China on real-time pandemic data and regional characteristics. Ou...
Cities are the foundation of urban life, and these 4 key definitions--global city, metropolis, megacity and megalopolis--help us differentiate their importance.
characteristics evaluate the pocket parks from users' perspective and to identify the relative importance of different park features. Specifically, this study tried to answer the following questions: (1) How do citizens' demographic characteristics influence their satisfaction and usage of pocket parks?
China is still targeting 70 to 80 gigawatts of new nuclear capacity by the end of the decade.1 And while resistance to construction of new power plants is stiffening in India, five reactors are currently under construction there, another 39 more are proposed, and the government is showing ...
Beacons are small devices that are usually found in a single, static location. Beacons transmit low energy signals which smartphones can pick up. Similarly to Wifi, the device uses the strength of the signal to understand how far away from the beacon it is. ...
This study addressed three key questions: (1) what are the characteristics of the spatial distribution of street vitality in the old city of Nanjing; (2) what are the factors impacting the vitality and the spatial variance in terms of their quantitative influence; and (3) what strategies can...
According to their results, there is a significant positive association between heat-related mortality and neighborhood characteristics, comprising less access to air conditioning (A/C), poor housing conditions, and poverty status. Energy costs associated with the use of air conditioning are also one ...
MTBAMountain Bike Association of Australia MTBAMission Trail Bowhunters Association(Prunedale, CA) MTBAMountain Top Business Alliance(Mountain Top, PA) MTBAMaster Tailors' Benevolent Association(UK) MTBAMassachusetts Thoroughbred Breeders Association(Burlington, MA) ...