Increasing average temperatures and heat waves are having devasting impacts on human health and well-being but studies of heat impacts and how people adapt
Sentinel-2 captures images of the Earth using a sensor called the Multispectral-Instrument (or MSI). The MSI works like a camera, capturing data in parts of the visible light spectrum. However, unlike cameras you are used to, the MSI can also capture light from parts of the spectrum we c...
Mosaics of forest and savanna (defined here to include graminoid-dominated vegetation with and without a discontinuous tree stratum) are an iconic example of the decoupling of climate from vegetation that has long fascinated ecologists and biogeographers (Beard1953; Billings and Mark1957; Webb1964; ...
a significant threat to children’s health because children have unique metabolism, behavior, physiology and development characteristics [3]. Many of the main killers of children (e.g., malaria, diarrheal disease and malnutrition) are very sensitive to climatic conditions and they are expected to ...