What cavity in the thoracic cavity contains the heart?Location of the Thoracic Cavity:The thoracic cavity of the individual, is the cavity that houses the lungs, and the heart. It is capped at the bottom by the diaphragm which also indicates the begin of the abdominal cavity underneath....
In everyday conversation, "chest" is the term more commonly used to describe discomfort, pain, or other sensations. People are more likely to say they have chest pain rather than thoracic pain. This usage reflects the general preference for simpler, more understandable language outside of profess...
The structures which are responsible for the release of the compounds in the circulation of the blood are included in a system known as the endocrine system. The compound is known as a hormone. The structures are known as endocrine glands....
It might be useful to view the thoracic cavity as thoroughly filled with things vital to the body’s function. There are certain nerves present there too, and any surgery taking place in this area must avoid potentially injuring these, while repairing what is needed. This become easier as peo...
The endocrine system is a system of glands that are responsible for secreting hormones. The major glands of the endocrine system are the hypothalamus, pituitary, thyroid and parathyroid glands. Additionally, the hypothalamus and the pituitary are neuroendocrine glands....