There is continuing debate as to how effective sunscreen is in reducing melanomas﹣﹣﹣the evidence is weaker than it is for preventing other types of skin cancer.A 2011Australian study of 1,621people found that people randomly selected to apply sunscreen daily had half the rate of melanomas ...
The mechanics of a diplomatic expulsion are covered by the 1963 Vienna Convention on Consular Relations, of which Canada is a signatory. According to Article 23, states can dismiss a diplomat at any time without giving a reason. Or as the convention puts, “the receiving State may at any ti...
What type of boundary is the Australian-Antarctic plate boundary? What tectonic plate are the Galapagos Islands on? Which layer of earth is made up of tectonic plates? What parts of the Earth make up the asthenosphere? How big was Pangea?
CGTN's Mark Niu and photographer Joe Orlando traveled to Anchorage, Alaska last week to cover the historic meeting between high-level Chinese and U.S. officials. See how these two, who are from California's Bay Area in the "Lower 48 states" of the U.S. fared in the last...
Dougald O’Reilly from the Australian National University said. “The jars are empty now, but it is possible that they were once used to hold bodies.” Only a few simple objects, such as a handful of glass beads (玻璃珠), have been found at the burial sites. And scientists think they...
When an encryption system is in place, the data is always in one of two states: unencrypted or encrypted. Unencrypted data is also known as plaintext, and encrypted data is called ciphertext. Encryption algorithms, or ciphers, are used to encode and decode the data. An encryption algorithm ...
Needless to say, among the Kurdish population, the vast majority of whom are Sunni Muslims, there are also bearded men who pray five times a day and observe Ramadan like any devout follower of Islam. Needless to say, Rojava, the PYD (of which the YPG are the armed branch) are only the...
What is Ticketmaster doing about the alleged attack? Nothing, yet. The company has not verified the purported cyberattack. It didn't immediately respond to a request for comment. The Australian government said Thursday it is investigating the hacking group's claims. The FBI has offered assist...
方某委托卢某将一批棉花运往外地,途中卢突发急病入院救治,因对方急需此批货物,卢某委托司机贺某继续将货物运往目的地,在医院里,卢某让护士打电话将情况告诉方某,方某认为司机不可靠,不应将货物托付给贺某。贺某开车上路,途中遇雨,部分棉花被淋湿报废,卢某对此应如何( )Public...
The routing number is a sequence of nine digits banks use to identify specific financial institutions within the United States. The routing number is also called a routing transit number or ABA routing number, short for theAmerican Bankers Association. The routing number proves that the ba...