What are the Odyssey Years? 什么是"奥德赛时期"? Odyssey Plans 87 -- 5:04 App presentation: Education should more focus on arts and humanities 6239 93 11:13 App TED演讲-Why tech needs the humanities 3051 7 1:41:58 App 苏格兰盖尔语基础 1-5课【更新完毕】 88 -- 1:13 App Student@...
BestColleges Liberal Arts & Humanities Rankings and Program Information Feature Image: Hiroshi Higuchi / The Image Bank / Getty Images Explore More College Resources How to Choose Your College Class Schedule Learn how to create the best class schedule each semester by considering important academic and...
Rigoletto, composed by Giuseppe Verdi, is one of the most commonly performed operas around the world. At the time of its 1851 premiere in Venice, the work was remarkable for its portrayal of a main character with a spinal deformity. Through the music of Rigoletto, Verdi explored the societal...
What are the humanities? The - Ullman - 1946 () Citation Context ..., 露 1). The fieldsshistorically incorporated into the humanities includesthe classics, history, languages and literature, law,sperforming arts, philosophy, religion, and visualsarts (Wikipedia, n.d.; =-=Ullman, 1946-=-)...
'以艺术方式的研究 Researching in the arts',也被称为'作为研究的艺术'或'通过研究的艺术',目前在艺术家和艺术学校的代表性话语中被称为艺术式研究。研究目标是创造新的艺术作品或审美过程,并通过这些作品,艺术家成为了研究者,或换句话说:艺术家作为研究者的形象占了上风。(24) K. van den Berg/S. 奥姆林...
in the present words,science has been developing fast,but people still have a high opinion of artists.what can the arts tell us of the life that science cannot ? arts is the making and expressions of what are beautiful and pleasure in human lives..people have paid no less attention to ar...
aWhat distinguishes the group with arts, humanities, law, and social sciences publications is not that its mean verbal ability is above the full sample’s, but that its means for mathematical and spatial ability are appreciably belowthe full sample’s means; this pattern is opposite that of th...
the main reason is that compared with natural sciences,arts (humanities and fine arts)serves rudder. first of all,arts plays a essential role in moulding magnificent qualities of people.a majority of works and writings not only epressed the impressive feelings in the world,which were sentimental...
in the present words,science has been developing fast,but people still have a high opinion of artists.what can the arts tell us of the life that science cannot ? arts is the making and epressions of what are beautiful and pleasure in human lives..people have paid no less attention to ...
Psychology students were not far behind arts and humanities students for these traits. Study author Anna Vedel, from the University of Aarhus in Denmark, said she was surprised by the results. "The effect sizes show that the differences found are not trivial, far from," she said. "On the...