A general who commands an army. Instruction (countable) An instance of the information or knowledge so furnished. Command To have at one's disposal A person who commands seven languages. Instruction (countable) An order or command. Command To deserve and receive as due; exact The troops' brav...
Colonels and Majors are key ranks within military hierarchies, with Colonels ranking above Majors. A Colonel typically commands a regiment or brigade, which consists of several battalions, making this role pivotal in military operations and strategic planning. Conversely, a Major is often in charge...
Such highly-complex cyberattacks are able tobypass firewalls and VPNsbecause they hide behind legitimate computer processes. This also makes it very difficult for law enforcement to track the responsible cybercriminals down. Confidentiality, integrity, and availability are known as the CIA triadand are...
Until I received an army draft induction notice around the middle of November of 1966, joining the U.S. Navy was the last thing on my mind. However, confronted with the possibility of going into the Army right before Christmas or volunteering for the Navy or Air Force, I chose the Navy...
Other than on the plantations, mines the majority of low level administration and business were either Malayas or Chinese. Odds are I am functionally illiterate, do not possess a wireless, so what little news I receive is at Friday prayers in what passes for the local mosque, in the local...
A rank of officer in the army and the US air force, above captain and below lieutenant colonel. Subject Dependent or conditional upon The proposed merger is subject to the approval of the shareholders Major A major key, interval, or scale. Subject Under the authority of Ministers are subject...