The Church is apostolic in three ways:The church was built on the "foundation of the Apostles", the Church preserves and hands on the Apostle's teachings with the Holy Spirit's help, and the Church continues to be taught, made holy, and led by the Apostles through their successors, which...
For you are the seal of my apostleship in the Lord. What is the apostolic gift? Apostolic gifts include suchthings as tongue speaking, miracles, and healings(those who promote the so called “Toronto Blessing” even claim apostolic authority for such aberrations as holy laughter and being slai...
What are the Eastern Orthodox Church beliefs? What is the religion of Israel? What is revivalism in Christianity? What religion is Native American spirituality? What is the religion that's based on the teachings of Siddhartha? What is Orthodox Christianity?
What are the beliefs of the New Apostolic Church? What religion were the Hospitallers? What is the Hare Krishna religion? What is the Tenrikyo religion? What is the First Nations' religion? What do Druze believe? What is the religion of the Indus River Valley?
The first Christians had no doubts about how to determine which was the true Church and which doctrines the true teachings of Christ. The test was simple: Just trace the apostolic succession of the claimants. Apostolic succession is the line of bishops stretching back to the apostles. All over...
“Although there are many who believe that they themselves hold to the teachings of Christ, there are yet some among them who think differently from their predecessors. The teaching of the Church has indeed been handed down through an order of succession from the apostles and remains in the ch...
world, such people can hardly help becoming aware of their common interests and concerns, and of the advantages of cooperation. That awareness leads them to develop loyalties directed more toward the system as a whole than toward the particular country or institution by whom they are employed. ...
Family Values- showing that traditional Christian teachings are the exact opposite of what are now widely taught as traditional Christian teachings. Persecution- the largely imaginaryPersecutions of Christianscontrasted with the extensive persecution by Christians of"Heathens",Witches,Heretics,Schismatics,Cath...
that a soldier on the front line cannot hold out long without support from the rear forces that do not actually take part in the fighting but provide for all his needs; and that such is the role of prayer, and that therefore each one of us is to be distinguished by an apostolic ...
5111 WHATAUTHORITYSHOULDBEATTRIBUTEDTOTHEAPOSTOLICFAITH?In a previous chapter, we have argued for the authority of Jesus Christ asthe fullest revelation of God. However, Christ’s life and ministry did nottake place in a void. He handed on to His followers a charge to keepfaithfully to His ...