The Rh blood group system is a classification system for blood based on the presence or absence of Rh antigen. Individuals who possess the Rh antigen are considered Rh positive, whereas individuals who do not carry the antigen are considered Rh negative. Learn about blood groups, the ...
What are alleles and how do they relate to genetics? What is an inheritance relationship in which neither of two alleles of the same gene totally mask the other called? What type of genetic inheritance determines the ABO blood group system? What are the relations of dominance among the invo...
A woman is Rh- and her husband is Rh+. Their first baby is Rh-. What is the genotype, with respect to Rh, of the parents? A woman with AB blood marries a man heterozygous for B. What are the chances their children will have type B ...
What are the effects of drugs on Treg cells in multiple myeloma, and what are the applications of treg cells in therapy? Introduction Multiple myeloma (MM) is the most common form of plasma cell malignancy, accounting for about 1.7% of all malignant tumors [1]. Although the use of a vari...
This minireview summarizes the recent advances in the development of T. gondii vaccines and the main obstacles to developing a safe, effective and durable T. gondii vaccine. The successes and failures in developing and testing vaccine candidates for the T. gondii vaccine are also discussed, which...
What are the functions of white blood cells? How are germ cells and gametes related? Distinguish the differences between alleles, phenotype, character, and trait. During chemical signaling between cells, the receptor tyrosine kinase has multiple ways of activating other proteins, such ...
three central hypothesis for the development of apomixis that could be: i) a deviation from the sexual developmental program caused by an asynchronous development, ii) environmentally triggered through epigenetic regulations (a polyphenism of sex), iii) relying on one or more genes/alleles. ...
The complement system is a set of immune proteins involved in first-line defense against pathogens and removal of waste materials. Recent evidence has implicated the complement cascade in diseases involving the central nervous system, including schizophr
What is epistasis, and how does it influence the inheritance of a particular trait? What is the difference between genes and alleles in biology? What are the Mendelian laws of heredity? What is the difference between dominant and recessive genes?
If a parent has the genotype aaBb, what combinations of alleles can the parent give to its gametes based on the principle of independent assortment? Need If the two genes are unlinked, as organism with the genotype of AaBb can produce gametes containing a. either ...