What is the condition of a person's lungs when they have emphysema? What is the structure that directs air to one (each) lobe of the lung called? The air sacs in the lungs that expand and contract with breathing are called ___. Fill...
The human respiratory tract starts at the nose and mouth and extends down to the lungs. Air that we breathe in passes through the nasal passages, down the trachea, into some branched tubes called bronchial tubes or bronchi and then into the alveoli or air sacs in the lungs. The respiratory...
This is the process where air from the environment is used to exchange gasses with the bloodstream. The two important gasses within the body are oxygen and carbon dioxide. Oxygen is used as the terminal electron acceptor within the electron transport chain, and thus allows ATP production. Car...
Causes It happens when tiny air sacs in your lungs, called alveoli, get inflamed and swollen. The cause isn’t always clear, but some reasons are: Medications: Certain heartmeds,likeamiodarone Someantibiotics Chemotherapydrugs Radiation therapy Molds, chemicals, bacteria. This is when your lungs h...
What are the signs and symptoms of SARS?Signs and symptoms range from mild to severe. SARS may lead to severe, life-threatening problems. The virus damages the air sacs of the lungs. The lung tissues become inflamed and scarred. The damaged air sacs do not allow oxygen to get into your...
Inside the lungs, there is a branching system of progressively smaller tubes (called bronchial tubes), at the end of which are air sacs (called alveoli). The alveoli have very thin walls, and are surrounded by capillaries (the smallest blood vessels). When you breathe in, oxygen and carbon...
Abnormal, small, air-filled sacs in the lung called "blebs" typically rupture and leak air into the pleural space, leading to the spontaneous pneumothorax. This happens in the cases of tall and thin people, who because of the shape of their lungsand chest cavity, are seemingly more prone ...
Pulmonary edema is a buildup of fluid in the alveoli (air sacs) of your lungs. The fluid may make it hard for you to breathe. Pulmonary edema may be life-threatening if your body is not able to get the oxygen it needs.What increases my risk for pulmonary edema?
Pneumonia is different from bronchitis in many important ways. First, the infection occurs deep in the lungs themselves, not in the bronchial tubes. The infection can be caused by bacteria, viruses (including the influenza virus) or fungi that affect air sacs in the the lungs, ...
Confusion or changes in mental status. Some patients go on to develop COVID-19-associated respiratory distress syndrome, a form of lung failure. With ARDS, fluid leaks into lung air sacs called alveoli. This prevents the lungs from filling with air as they should, causing levels of oxygen in...