(中文意思:对于做飞机旅游的好处与坏处)要用英文写哦,..一有马上就采纳. 相关知识点: 试题来源: 解析 同学,很高兴回答你的问题正确答案:What are the advantage or disadvantages of Air TrauedMany people prefer to travel by air.This is because air travel has some advantages.In the first place,...
同学,很高兴回答你的问题正确答案:What are the advantage or disadvantages of Air TrauedMany people prefer to travel by air.This is because air travel has some advantages.In the first place,airplane,the... APP内打开 为你推荐 查看更多 英语作文 What are the advavtages and disadvantages of studyi...
This is because air travel has some advantages. In the first place, airplane, the miracle created by man, is the fastest means of transport. It takes the least time for one to travel by air from one place to another. Secondly, traveling by air is convenient and comfortable. Friendly air...
正确答案:What are the advantage or disadvantages of Air Traued Many people prefer to travel by air. This is because air travel has some advantages. In the first place, airplane, the miracle created by man, is the fastest means of transport. It takes the least time for one to...
The following essay will discuss some of the factors which affect the situation and several advantages of the activity for the traveller. There are various reasons why the travelling activities have increased significantly in the past recent years. Firstly, a lot of people travel intensively due to...
1. What is the most popular way to travel in the world? A. By car. B. By airplane. C. By bike. D. By train. 2. According to the passage, what are the advantages ( 优点 ) of bicycles? ① easy to park ② need no energy ③ easy to learn ④ no pollution ⑤ easy to repair ...
雅思口语part3: What are the advantages and disadvantages of private transport? 私人交通工具的优劣势在哪? 本期雅思口语的专栏中要讲到的是雅思口语第三部分的问题。这个问题与交通工具有关。交通相关的话题在雅思口语的第一,第二,第三部分都经常会考到。我们之前已经见过不少的有关交通的话题了。而在第一部...
Many people prefer to travel by air. This is because air travel has many strengths .They are convenient, fast, time-saving, comfortable and so on .however, air travel also has many deficiencies .They are ticket price is expensive, some passengers to air travel, often feel the ...
I dont mention some adventage of travel by air ,because of most people didnt so rich ,,,most are poor ,,it also can say not rich ,恩,这个简单问题,我的答案是:如果你去旅游乘坐飞机,你会错过很多有趣的过程和滑稽的事情,因为飞机太快了,旅游最大的过程是体验生活,我不提倡...
(2)Accordingtothepassage,whataretheadvantages(优点)ofbicycles? ___①easytopark②neednoenergy③easytolearn④nopollution⑤easytorepairA.②③④B.①③⑤C.①②④D.②③⑤(3)What'stheroleofthehosefilledwithair? ___A.Tomakethebicyclehigher.B.Tomakethebicyclelighter.C.Tomakethebicycleeasytolearn.D...