2. Join the two independent clauses with acoordinating conjunction. Coordinating conjunctions, also calledFANBOYS, are these seven words:for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so(you can remember them with the acronym F.A.N.B.O.Y.S.). It was Roy's birthday,sohe wanted to do something specia...
What are the 7 types of conjunctions? There are seven coordinating conjunctions, they are- for, and, nor, but, or, yet, and so. The easiest way to remember these conjunctions is with an acronym called FANBOYS. Among all these conjunctions “so” can be used both as coordinating and subo...
You own the twink economy! You can make as much gold as you want depending on how many twinks are there. It also gives you, the main-stream player something else to farm other than ore and whiptail all day. Twink items are still highly sought after by many twinks. Feet of the Lynx,...
Player 99, 08 Sep 2024There are so many haters and the iPhone still works better ... morefunny how there are still so many fanboys. It's a phone. Reply ? Anonymous YQD 09 Sep 2024 potato4k, 08 Sep 2024If you feel innovation = different appearance, then you are... moreCan you ...
We Outgrew The Need For Modding A big reason why a lot of people are not really interested in modding their Android phones anymore is that, for many people, there's simply no need to do so. Chances are, most of the features that you used to root your phone for 6-7 years ago are...
When you are running heavy computation (Games, AI, video rendering, etc) you are using a lot of power. Since our world is not perfect while doing this you lose some power in the form of heat (in electronics it's called TDP and it's in Watt). So, when you have a laptop, your ...
Conjunctions join sentences, clauses or words within a clause. Subordinating conjunctions join clauses of secondary importance to the main clause. A sentence may begin with a conjunction. In the following sentence, the conjunctions are red: Stella must go now because she has another party to go...
The most common way independent clauses in a compound sentence are linked is with a coordinating conjunction and a comma.There are seven coordinating conjunctions: for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so.(The acronym FANBOYS is often used to help remember them.) When you use one of these conjun...
Now I like Patel, he's a smart guy, and not the sort of pundit who's taken in by things just because they are new or shiny, or because the press release tells him he should be. And it's clear that he's a big fan of the headphone port. ...
carnage all day after missing your daughter’s recital doesn’t give him or her the right to shoot me on my way home from NOT causing those things. I’d like to think I added some perspective as having it is the only way we are all going to fix this. If not, we’ll just have ...