【暗黑4】ROB|稀有暗金VS合成装备 ARE UBER UNIQUES STILL WORTH? CRAFTING in Season 4 10:24 【暗黑4】Wudijo|Diablo 4 - The "GoD DH Barb" is coming in Season 4 08:43 【暗黑4】Frostylaroo|Firesides and Horses 02:11 【暗黑4】ROB|THE FIRST VIABLE GENERATOR BARB BUILD - BASH for Seaso...
Uber Lilith drops literally nothing. Nm 70+ dungeons provide significantly less reward than nm 35 because the item power, rarity and volume of drops have utterly insignificant differences and nm 35 is several times faster to do. These are not problems that should exist in this game, but they...