Both code names for What Makes You Beautiful are the longest in the main series, with 21 letters. What Makes You Beautiful is the only non-Solo routine to have a Puppet Master Mode in Just Dance 4. After receiving over 98 million views on the GamesNewsOfficial channel, What Makes You Be...
on the word of the Father of Lies… No, on thehearsayword of the Father of Lies as related to Skinner who was given no proof, to Scully who was given no proof, we are now to take it as fact that William was never really
The University's Engineering program is the oldest out of all of the Ivy League schools. Connect with Brown University! Columbia University Location: New York, New YorkFounded: 1754Annual tuition: $65,524 (2022–2023)Fun facts: Scenes for the original Ghostbusters were filmed in Colu...
including "Wild Wild West" which ended up on the soundtrack of the film he starred in. Years later, my husband would ruin the song for me by pointing out that the song is actually a sample of Stevie Wonder's "I Wish." In fact, almost all of my favorite Will Smith songs are sam...
This little speech has been bouncing around in my head for years so I guess I should not have been surprised that I forced it into a conversation recently but I did not expect the person I was talking to to be so close to the situation. When I say close,
From the fantastic theme song to the hilarious banter between the hosts, this new podcast from NPR, their first for kids, takes the geek out of science. Guy Raz and Mindy Thomas make science accessible for listeners as young as 4 or 5 without dumbing anything down. The topics are fun and...
Big corporations are the worst. Microsoft emailed its employees, stating that its “device strategy must reflect Microsoft’s strategy and must be accomplished within an appropriate financial envelope.” I’d imagine most employees’ reactions would have been, ‘Whuh?’ Luckily the 11th paragraph of...
I did get my personal best queenfish, but mostly, it was great to just be one of the guys and reel in a fish now and then. Both of them are far more knowledgeable than I was at twice their age, so the future of the sport is in good hands. Steve Leave a Comment Posted in More...
the Disney machine, Young was able to use "Jackson" as a springboard into other projects: "Friday Night Lights," "Akeelah and the Bee," and "The Hills Have Eyes II" are some of the few films later added to Young's brief but impressive resume. Sadly, his promising career would soon ...
The Kalos region is the sixth region to be introduced, serving as the setting for Pokémon X and Y. Shaped like a five-pointed star, the area is inspired by metropolitan France, with city names like Lumiose and Shalour. Froakie, Chespin, and Fennekin are the starters featured here. Unlike...