The 2 main types are open-angle and closed-angle glaucoma. Fluid normally drains through canals in the eyes. The fluid contains deposits that get left behind in the canals as the fluid drains. Over time, the deposits create a blockage that keeps fluid from draining easily through the canals...
爱因斯坦是20世纪最伟大的科学家,他在报考苏黎世工业大学时却因成绩不佳而名落孙山。经过一年的补习,第二年才得以人学。伽罗瓦被誉为19世纪法国最伟大的数学家,但他曾在大学入学口试中被刷下来。当时,他的数学造诣已经远远超出了主考官的理解能力。 这段文字告诉我们()。
Section III: Individual symposium presentations framing glaucoma questions: What are the opportunities for glaucoma treatment? A personal perspectiveMore than 100 years ago, the treatment of glaucoma was among the most advanced of ophthalmology disciplines, encompassing both specific medical therapy (...
Also like primary glaucoma, the two main types of secondary glaucoma are open angle and angle closure (also callednarrow angle). But secondary glaucoma has many more subtypes. The termsopen angleandangle closuredescribe the basic structural issue within the eye that is disrupting aqueous flow. The...
The main risk factors of angle-closure glaucoma are: Age Asian race Hyperopia Diabetes Uveitis Acute Angle Closure Glaucoma / Narrow Angles This most commonly occurs as a result of a narrow-angle. In normal cases, there is enough space within the angle for the aqu...
Primary glaucoma does not have a known cause, but secondary types are due to known conditions. Learn about the anatomy of glaucoma and its main risk factors.
There are two types of diabetic retinopathy: nonproliferative and proliferative. In nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy, high blood sugars lead to a weakening of the walls of the blood vessels in the retina. In proliferative diabetic retinopathy, the injured blood vessels eventually stop working, and...
Swelling, itchiness, increased heart rate and even increased stomach acid secretionare all reactions to the natural chemical Histamine. When Histamine releases into our bodies, it can attach itself to 2 different types of receptors – H1 or H2. ...
Certain conditions are contraindications for cyclopentolate administration. Patients with any kind ofbraintraumamay react badly, as may patients with Down syndrome or spastic paralysis. It is also not advisable to take this medication while undergoing treatment forglaucoma. These conditions should be discu...