Is post-traumatic stress disorder an anxiety disorder? Explain what PTSD(Post-traumatic stress disorder) is in detail. What are the physical symptoms of depression and anxiety? Are there different types of post-traumatic stress disorder? Is post-traumatic stress disorder genetic?
Over time, the mental, behavioral, and physical symptoms of the stress response can wear us down. How does a normal, natural function (the fight-or-flight response) become problematic? First, let’s examine more closely how and why the fight-or-flight response occurs. ...
You are reaching (or have reached) a state of stress overload. You begin to use poor judgment that results in a series of bad decisions: pressing on into deteriorating weather,overflying good landing areas, and so on, until you are almost out of fuel. The stage is set for panic and ...
Not all types of stress are harmful or even negative. Some of the different types of stress that you might experience include: Acute stress: Acute stress is a very short-term type of stress that can be upsetting ortraumatic; this is the type of stress that is out of the ordinary, such ...
A droopy face, sagging arm or slurred speech are all well-known symptoms of stroke. But the aftermath of a stroke – as with any condition that occurs in the brain – can impact something less known: mood. If the stroke is in the brain’s right frontal lobe, for example,...
Is there any associated symptoms like nausea or vomiting Any loss of appetite? Is there any abdominal bloating or distension What is your bowel habit like (any change in the frequency of your stool or the texture?) Is there blood or slime in your stool, or has your stool gone black?
A lot of people find massage relaxing. Indulging in one can be a great way to de-stress and help ease the symptoms of some tension headaches.26 The final say Tension headaches are common, affecting up to 78% of people in their lifetime, with 26% experiencing them at least once a ...
Progressive overload is a type of workout principle that emphasizes a progressive intensification of stress on the muscles...
Side stitch symptoms are very straightforward: you’ll feel a sharp pain, cramping, pulling, or aching on one or both sides of your body in the area where your rib cage ends. Sometimes you’ll feel a familiar pain on the top of your shoulder. The pain is often so bad that you need...
Comprehensive overview of conditions, symptoms, treatment options and side effects related to heart attacks,