Let's use an example. The Flying Tera Type Pikachu that you'll be able to get as an early purchase bonus is a great start. Pikachu's normal typing is Electric. Electric types moves are: Super effective against Water and Flying Not very effective against Electric, Grass, and Dragon D...
Ground-type moves are really good for most of these Pokémon, but Fire, Fighting, Dark, Steel, and Electric also do well against some of these. Your partner will make these encounters much easier, however. After the three fights, you're free to enter Zero Lab and take on the ...
Why did the Druid steal Wizard Monkey's infamous Lightning and Tornado moves, and is the Wizard Monkey plotting revenge? They gifted it to the druids! How will certain tower paragons work, such as a 5-5-5 buccaneer or a 5-5-5 monkey ace? Also a navy battle ship combined with a pir...
Arceus'Sticky Globs leaves them wide open for capture. In thecase of Alpha Pokémon, they will need about three or four Sticky Globs before they are immobilized. This item can save the player tons of time and
Type advantages are only explained through small text next to moves? There's a capture tutorial (which is useless since you can't keep anything) but no battle tutorial? It's a really messy introduction to the world, and I honestly can't understand, at any level, what Gamefreak w...