CVerbs show action DVerbs are informal. 答案:C 2.[单选题]How do we tighten sentences?(排序) 1、reflect on the logical relationship among sentence and ideas. 2、look for words that don’t do their share of the work 3、use strong verbs 4、Keep it clear and simple A2341 B1234 C3214...
Intransitive action verbs do not take an object, and true intransitive verbs cannot be used in apassive voice.Sit,lie,went,die,laugh, cryandarriveare examples of action verbs that are always intransitive, or in other words, these verbs nevertake a direct object. Here are some examples of in...
Both partners are strangers at a mutual friend's party meeting for the first time, the friend introduced the strangers to each other and either something about each other to help them start a conversation. One partner is a new employer at the company meeting. A coworker for the first time....
When those same verbs are used for a voluntary action—specific, deliberate, and/or temporary events—they are dynamic. Among other things, it means they can be used in the continuous tenses. I haven’t been seeing well since I lost my glasses. ...
"Climbin'," "reachin'," "turnin'" and "goin'" are all strong action verbs. The mother exhorts her son to keep moving forward and not give up. She says, "Don’t you fall now—/ For I’se still goin’, honey,/ I’se still climbin’." Despite the difficulties of life, as ...
A verb is a word that expresses an action or a state of being. As you can see from that definition, there are two main categories of verbs:action verbsandstate of beingverbs (also known aslinking verbs). Because action verbs and linking verbs are strong enough to be used in sentences ...
how manynounsarebeingusedasverbs? Wealluse them,oftenwithoutnoticingwhatwe?redoing. Iwasarrangingtomeetsomeonefordinnerlast week,andIsaid “I?llpencilitin mydiary”,and my friendsaid“Youcaninkitin”,meaningthatitwasa firmarrangementnotatentativeone! Manyofthesenewverbsarelinkedtonewtechnology.Anobvio...
超星学习通大学英语过程写作(吉林大学)章节答案章节测验Week1 1.[单选题]Whatare6typesofbrainstorming?A.listing,clustering,t-chart,freewritingB.listing,clustering,cubing,freewriting,looping,t-chartC.freewriting,mapping,cubing,q-chart,looping,listingD.organizing,listing,looping,freecharting,cubing,t-chartE....
Use strong action verbs and create a sense of urgency to encourage immediate action (e.g., ‘Sign me up’). Use the "Bottom Line Up Front" (BLUF) principle. Give readers key information immediately to grab attention and prevent bounce. Begin with your main point, then provide context and...
Also, the equivalents in foreign languages are still described as adjectives in those countries, adding to the confusion. This much is clear: Determiners are similar to adjectives, but there are differences. Nevertheless, there remains a strong argument for claiming there are 8 parts of speech not...