towering above the tops of the mountains, are not afraid to be afraid; The wild flowers, which are in the top of the mountain, are full of beauty and beauty, and the fresh flowers are pleasing to the soul. But
A little girl called Emily 2a small black dog and ran into Dr. Williams' office. "3 Toby. Please! Dr. Williams!" cried Emily. "He ran into the street and was hit by a car. " The dog was shaking. There was a lot of blood. Dr. Williams got up 4the desk. "Here, let me ...
Makesurethatthelightsareturnedoffbeforeyouleavetheclassroom.;一、根据句意及汉语或首字母提示填写单词。 1.Theboss(老板)inthecompanyisalwaysfriendlytohisstaff. 2.Itswell-knownthatglasss(玻璃杯)aremadeofglass. 3.Hegottoschoollatethismorningbecausethetraffic(交通)onthestreetwasverycrowded. 4.ohnpickeduphi...
studying(study) the effects of light pollution.Other scientists are finding ways to stop light pollution and make 8.our ( we ) lives better. For example, many streetlights now have covers. The covers focus the light towards the ground. They stop the light from 9. going(go)up into the ...
when wind breezes when wrong will you s when ya get down to i when years later when you are here when you arrive at yo when you believe - wh when you called me when you carefully in when you exercise mus when you feel decline when you feel hurt an when you get closer when you go...
decades.Yetthetraditionalprocessforproducinghydrogen,inwhichfossilfuelsareexposedto steam,isnotevenremotelyzero-carbon.Hydrogenproducedthiswayiscalledgrayhydrogen;if theCO2iscapturedandsequestered(封存),itiscalledbluehydrogen. Greenhydrogenisdifferent.Itisproducedthroughelectrolysis(电解),inwhichmachines splitwaterinto...
开始 heavily [ˈhevɪli] adv. 在很大程度上,大量地 suddenly [ˈsʌdənli] adv. 突然地 pick up(=pick up the phone) 接电话 strange [streɪndʒ] adj. 奇怪的,陌生的,奇特的 storm [stɔ:m] n. 暴风雨 ...
whenisawyouiwantedyou whenu were there where have all the fl where 81 points happe where are you going - where both called where called where china where do you prefer t where do you think yo where do you work i w where every my heart where existing where good where have all the so...
I paid for the beer so I called dibs on the last bottle. 啤酒是我付钱的,所以我有权喝最后一杯。 I get carsick in the back seat so I call dibs on the front seat. 我坐在后排晕车,我有权要求坐在前面。 2.Fishy 等于 suspicious 可疑的 e.g. That guy over there in the hat and dark ...
D. Mr. Green called the police at once. B One day while Jack was walking in the park, he saw a woman who lived a few miles away, sitting on a bench with a dog beside her. The dog was looking up at the woman. Jack walked up to the woman and said, “Hello, Sue, how are ...