What cell parts are found only in plant cells? Which part of a plant cell contains cell sap? What organelle is responsible for photosynthesis in a plant cell? Plant fiber is what type of cell? What structure surrounds the cell membrane in plants?
What is the thalamus in plants? Plants: Plants are a kingdom of organisms which are multicellular. Unlike animals they do not possess a nervous system and they are capable of producing organic molecules from inorganic precursors by performing photosynthesis. ...
How are killer T-cells made? What are epidermal dendritic cells? How are hybridoma cells produced? What are autorhythmic cells? What are B cells? What do B cells do? What is a group of specialized cells called? What cell makes the meristem regions of plants?
Phloem is the vascular tissue responsible for the transportation of synthesized food in plants. It is made of specialized cells known as sieve... Learn more about this topic: Phloem | Definition, Structure & the Pressure Flow Hypothesis
Plants are multicellular organisms; they are made of hundreds upon thousands of cells that function together, making up an organism as a whole. For the organism to function, its cells must coordinate with each other, and to do that they need to interact with each other. However, one cell ...
Stalks, however, are often more specialized and may not be present in plants where leaves or flowers grow directly from the stem. 15 The terminology can vary based on the plant part being described. For instance, the term "stalk" is more commonly used in reference to the structures that ...
Strange lights, creatures in the mist, and fairy glades are all part of wetland folklore, and stem from their unique chemistry and climate.
Significance of transpiration: -Transpiration is generally helpful for the conduction of water and nutrients in the plants. - Transpiration helps to maintain the water balance, as there is absorption and elimination. - Transpiration helps the cells to maintain osmosis, so the cells are rigid. ...
Stem Leaves Flowers Fruits The study of plant organ tissue and cellular structure is known as plant anatomy. Cells serve as the fundamental building block of plants. Cells are organised into tissues, which are then organised into organs. Plant organs differ from one another in terms of th...
What are the different types of cells in the body? Explain. What are the target cells? Once a cell is a specialized stem cell, what type of cells can it make? Cells consist of my parts, what is considered the power house of cells?