Service and Energy are the core elements of all spiritual practice. These are the main ways for achieving self-transcendence. Your own path can contain elements of more than one of these; or may also change from one to another, as you grow in your journey. ...
Even though they are professionals, bringing people from different disciplines together can cause conflicts of personality and opinion. It's important that teams recognize that the aim of collaboration is to enable every member to contribute a different viewpoint to achieve a common goal. To be ...
Yes,OK, God, Now What?does describe ancient techniques and spiritual disciplines for Scripture centered spirituality that are working in sports, business and all parts of life to the glory of Father God by Jesus Christ our Lord. OK, God, Now What?is so rich with scripture that the entire ...
Jean Clottes, the eminent French rock art specialist, proposes that 'Homo spiritualis artifax' might be a more appropriate appellation than 'Homo sapiens' (wise), because of the close bond between spirituality and art. As humans, we are hardwired to a cultural...
A spiritual agency that is assumed to assist the medium during a seance Control Exercise authoritative control or power over; Control the budget Command the military forces Control Lessen the intensity of; temper; hold in restraint; hold or keep within limits; Moderate your alcohol intake Hold you...
Any of several Hindu or Buddhist disciplines aimed at training the consciousness for a state of perfect spiritual insight and tranquillity; especially a system of exercises practiced to promote control of the body and mind. Stretching To make taut; tighten Stretched the tarpaulin until it ripped. ...
Michael Beckwith, inspired leader of the Agape International Spiritual Community, and, as with Jack, a featured teacher on The Secret. The depth that these sessions will add to your life is astounding, and I'm sure you'll find yourself revisiting these sessions again and again. As...
In summary, the traits of endurance and wealth champions are remarkably similar. The principles that lead to success in one arena apply equally well to the other. Both disciplines require smart goal setting, long term thinking, great coaching, self pacing, picking yourself up when you fall, ...
spiritual changes and give His grace. These physical means are not the only ways God gives His grace, nor is God limited to only these means. However, God has chosen to give grace through our participation in them. The sacraments are mysterious because no one knows ...