Let's just pick on identify as a concrete example, but this applies to any spell with a material component with a cost. So identify requires a pearl worth 100gp. What makes a pearl worth 100gp? Is it the price paid to acquire it, or the price it would go for if sold? If the fo...
A typical spell requires you to pick one or more targets to be affected by the spell's magic. A spell's description tells you whether the spell targets creatures, objects, or a point of origin for an area of effect. [...] There are three important pieces of information to extract here...
TheDnD Deck of Many Thingsis a magical deck of cards with the power to change lives. Drawing a single card may grant your D&D character more riches than they could ever spend – or it could send them to an inescapable hell dimension. That’s how things go when you leave fate up to t...
During a research career spanning more than sixty years,Arthur Kornbergmade many outstanding contributions to molecular biology. He was the first to isolate DNA polymerase, the enzyme that assembles DNA from its components, and the first to synthesize DNA in a test tube, which earned him a Nobe...
It is already clear from wish's description that costly material components are to be discarded, but what about other requirements of a spell? In general, what is considered a requirement of a spell for the purposes of wish? dnd-5e-2014 spells spell-components wish Share...
However, I know about the mechanical impacts of a bard that can't speak, verbal spellcasting, as addressed in Can you cast verbal components if you have no tongue? For reference, these are the traditional requirements for Verbal components: Verbal (V) A verbal component is a spoken incantati...
This spell has many issues. If you want a more powerful game it's a good way to get one, still needs rewriting. Like so. Brew of the Boosted Brain Casting Time: 1 minute Range: Touch Components: S M (costly, rare) (Powdered illithid brain, green dragon horn, fire newt ...
So, what happens if you are casting a spell with a longer casting time and choose to stop concentrating? Or perhaps the premise is flawed, and stopping concentration on a spell like this does count as breaking your concentration; if that is the case, I would like...
The spell attempts to draw a creature into a duel; this is flavourful. It has very little mechanical impact; it might change how the spell works if the creature was duplicated somehow (!) or if you are duplicated (!), as the word "duel" has meaning. What meaning? In D&D 5e, wh...
My guesses are the following: Native: only the creator of the demiplane is considered native and is temporarily banished to another demiplane for the duration of the spell. Non-native: anyone not the creator of the demiplane is considered non-native and is sent back to their original ...