So molecules like this ended up on Earth. In fact, what we call meteorites are pieces broken away from comets and asteroids that came in our atmosphere and left their extra-terrestrial organic matter on the surface of primitive Earth.这样的分子最终来到了地球上。事实上,我们所说的陨石是来自彗星...
Furthermore, geothermal energy sources from the Earth’s interior are thought to have been crucial for the origin of life, providing the necessary heat and minerals at hydrothermal vents. These vents could have been the cradles of life, offering the right conditions for life’s early chemistry....
Answer explanation:The opening line of paragraph C suggests that“there is, of course, no denying that we are still at a very early stage in understanding weather.”Here, the author is providing the information that we are still at a very early stage in understanding weather. If we are sti...
的确,有些工作可能是根据家族关系或类似的标准来分配的 It is true that some jobs may turn out to be allocated on the grounds of family connections or similar criteria. 但大多数雇佣选择都是基于竞争优势,也就是所谓的“优点”。 But most hiring choices are made on grounds of competitive advantage,...
Gravity is a force that we experience every day, yet it remains somewhat of a mystery. It's the reason we stay grounded on Earth and why objects fall when dropped. Although there are several theories attempting to explain gravity, scientists still don't completely understand it. In this arti...
The 7 Continents of the world make up the largest landmasses on the planet earth. What are they? Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Europe, Australia (Oceania) &Antarctica.
Given that the history and boundary conditions of dune fields examined here are not known, however, we do not attempt a quantitative comparison of model runs with field data. Instead, we perform six numerical experiments that essentially bracket the range of Earth’s aeolian landscapes18. Model ...
Adam Kuper uses the phrase, onwards and upwards to describe a situation where things are improving, becoming better and better. 亚当·库珀用“勇往直前”这个短语来描述事情正在改善,变得越来越好。 Of course, things didn’t get better for everyone, especially the people whose land and possessions ...
Dthey are unique Questions 37-40 According to the reading passage. Write the appropriate letters in Boxes 37-40 on your answer sheet. Which of the following statements are true about synaesthetes? ASome synaesthetes are disoriented by their abilities. ...
Zoology is a unique, challenging and rewarding field of study that offers varied and diverse career paths for graduating students. And no, you do not have to want to work at a zoo in the future if you choose this major. Some do, but others use it as a prevet track. Still, others ...