different countries have produced different types of alcoholic drinks and drinking culture. These drinks have come to embody character – some wild, some powerful, some refined, some seductive, and others coy and sweet. Take this quiz to find out what alcoholic drink best represents who you are...
If they do choose to drink, to minimise the risk to the baby, they should not drink more than 1-2 units of alcohol once or twice a week and should not get drunk." Also, even one or two units can be dangerous if you drive, you operate machinery, or you take some types of medic...
Most things are okay in moderation, and alcohol is no exception. If a person chooses to drink alcohol it is recommended that women of legal drinking age drink no more than one alcoholic beverage a day and that men of legal drinking age drink no more than two alcoholic beverages a day....
What are some medicinal uses of alcohol? Alcohol Use Alcohol is widely consumed around the world in a variety of forms. Consuming too much alcohol can have serious negative effects, such as alcohol poisoning and liver damage. However, in smaller doses it has been shown to have medicinal uses...
Although not quite as strong as some other types of alcohol, the ABV of wine is still relatively high. The average ABV of wine is around 12%, meaning on average wine has more alcohol content than beers and hard ciders. There are some outliers to these numbers, as sparkling wines and whi...
Below, we’ll answer some commonly asked questions about alcohol and headaches, and how you can avoid them. 如果你曾经在第二天早上醒来时头部悸动,你就知道酒精会导致严重的头痛。但为什么会发生这种情况,为什么对一些人来说比其他人更糟糕?下面,我们将回答一些关于酒精和头痛的常见问题,以及如何避免它们。
this is the wrong term," says Hanni. "Everybody wants to be the supertaster. But people are living in different sensory worlds. It's not better to be a supertaster. 'Supertasters' often can't even stand wine. It's too bitter, the tannins are too dry, the alcohol is too intense....
It seems that most types of alcohol except wine and those based on wine, are kosher. For some reason, wine has additional requirements to be considered kosher. I guess its because wine plays an important role in many Jewish practices and festivities. I don't mind purchasing beer or hard ...
Michael Mahal, New York City-based architect and founder of M Design Group, has noticed a huge cultural shift around how his clients are integrating alcohol into their spaces. “The interesting thing about bar carts is that people have no interest anymore in displaying their liquor,” says Ma...
There are many poisoning risks, including food poisoning, sun poisoning, alcohol poisoning, carbon monoxide poisoning, lead poisoning, and mercury poisoning. Learn how long food poisoning usually lasts and symptoms of poisoning, like nausea, vomiting, pa