Luke 3:8.True repentance brings about change in a person’s life. While sorrow may lead to repentance, some are only sorry, but are not repentant (2 Cor. 7:10). When a person repents, there will be the fruit of repentance, which is a change in a person’s life. So we have see...
Things that are of the world that are seeping into some churches (DEI, critical race theory, sexual immorality, climate hysteria, systematic racism, etc), these all are from the world. I am not saying that we should not address these things biblically, but what is happening, in my estimati...
The golden key is located in Daniel 7. “I saw in my vision by night,” Daniel testified, “four great beasts[coming] up from the sea, each different from the other” (Daniel 7:2-3; NKJV, emphasis supplied). The first was “like a lion” with “eagles wings” (verse 4), the s...
I’m not sure why they felt the need to articulate in a formal statement what they have been saying for years: that LGBTQ+ people are outside the fold, so to speak. According to Article 7 anyone who adopts a “homosexual or trangender self-conception is [in]consistent with God’s holy...
I’ve been talking to some people who are sympathetic to Fascism, and they also praise the notion of technocracy, but they would be horrified by the examples here, NOT because the state is bossing people around, but because it is doing it so STUPIDLY. The main question as far as I am...
But it may have been natural for Jews living in medieval Christian Europe to imagine that when Parashat Nitzavim writes, “They will say, ‘[the Jews/Israelites are powerless] because they forsook the covenant that the Lord, God of their fathers, made with them’,”“they” refers to the...
Gift of Feeling For this discussion, it is important that the reader ask themselves a few reveali 分享16赞 英语吧 口语俱乐部 英语口语DEMO LESSONDEMO The following are part of the lessons for adults that I teach and tell teachers how to teach. Part 1:In General. First off, people just ...