What are the growth tissues in plants and where are they found? What is the genus of single-celled ciliated organisms? What is the name of the scientific study of insects? What if the plants in the Earth need sexual intercourse for reproduction?
What must a single-celled organism do before it can reproduce? What is benthic ecology? What is not common to both animal and plant cells? Which group of seedless plants has branching vascular tissue? What are examples of Monocotyledon plants? What do plants obtain from soil? What organism ...
Bacteria are single-celled organisms that predominantly replicate asexually, by dividing. When a cell splits in two, "the parent kind of becomes the children," said Susan Rosenberg, a bacterial geneticist at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. Sometimes, researchers call one of the...
All known prokaryotes, such as bacteria and archaea, are single cells. In contrast, if the DNA is partitioned off in its own membrane-bound room called the nucleus, then that cell is a eukaryote. Some eukaryotes, like amoebae, are free-living, single-celled entities. Other eukaryotic cells...
Kingdom Protista is the only other kingdom that includes some organisms which ingest their food. Protists are single-celled organisms that have their nucleus contained in a membrane. Protists that ingest their food do so through a process known as "phagocytosis," in which animal-like protists...
Members of Protista are usually single-celled organisms, and there is quite a bit of variety within the kingdom. Most members have the ability to move via cilia, flagella or amoeboid movement. Most lack a cell wall. All have a nuclei and organelles, but some have chloroplasts and some do...
Paleontology is the study of ancient life on Earth based on fossils. Fossils are the remains of plants, animals, fungi, bacteria, and other single-celled organisms that have been replaced bysedimentary rocksor impressions of organisms preserved in rock. It’s an interdisciplinary science involving ...
Prokaryotesare organisms whose cells lack a nucleus and other organelles. Prokaryotes are divided into two distinct groups: the bacteria and the archaea, which scientists believe have unique evolutionary lineages. Most prokaryotes are small, single-celled organisms that have a relatively simple structure...
Protozoa are tiny single-celled organisms that multiply inside the human body. The protozoa giardia, for example, has aclassic two-stage life cycle. In the first stage, called trophozoite, the parasite swims around and consumes nutrients from the small bowel. In the second stage it develops ...
Protozoa are tiny single-celled organisms that multiply inside the human body. The protozoa giardia, for example, has aclassic two-stage life cycle. In the first stage, called trophozoite, the parasite swims around and consumes nutrients from the small bowel. In the second stage it develops ...