Podcast:Play in new window|Download|Embed Watch this video onBitChute/Minds.com/YouTube On today’s Thought For The Day, James riffs on a conversation in the Corbett Report comments about the Exxon logo and the surprising things hidden in many corporate logos. ...
On the other hand, if 999 gates of a palace are open and only one gate is closed, it cannot be claimed that it is impossible to enter that palace. However, Satan constantly wants to show and make people see the single closed gate. That those issues are not known by some people does...
The secret hand signs of Illuminists are thought to work magic, to evoke supernatural beings, and, of course, to communicate messages. For example, the higher degree Mason, Rosicrucian or other Illuminist can discern at what ritual level a brother in the Craft is at by testing his handshak...
The sixteen book series is set in the wake of 'The Rapture', the Christian eschatological event in which that religion's true believers are transported to heaven. What remainsof the world is shattered and chaotic, and from these ashes rises a Romanian politician promising to restore stability ...
She was a rising star in the crypto scene renowned for her revolutionary vision. Then, suddenly, she vanished. In the never-before-told story of her final months, her most profound lesson emerges.
1 Corinthians 15:12-23 Paul says there is a resurrection of both Christ and the dead, “but every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits afterward they that are Christ's at his coming.” We Must Beware of Satanic Deceptions Matthew 24:4“Take heed that no man deceive you.” 2...
Metal, despite all signs to the contrary, is not about maximalism, but, at its core, is a fundamentally minimalist art. Some artists, like Mick Barr of Orthrelm and Krallice, totally get this: shred patterns repeated to infinity, the sound file directly translatable into a binary grid of ...
without anyone else around and then bless the place and see what the effect is. But if, for example, some satanic loon busted up a statue of the Blessed Virgin outside the church, and left obvious signs and maybe even fortunas (cursed objects intended to cause posse...
Well, I will be keeping track of the mansard wreck in Frankfort – it might very well turn up someday, as the focus of a madly optimistic, skilled and well-financed YouTube enthusiast. And I wish them the best of luck. They’ll need it. Visible Signs 05. September 2024· Comments Of...
1. Good angels are bound in some way to points where they are until they move on. So, Satan was a created angel, though a powerful one, and nowhere in the Word of God are we told that Satan had greater intrinsic power than any other angel. He had greater talents, but not the lice...