Psychology majors study the science of human behavior and mental processes. This includes examining the mind, the brain, and human and animal social interactions. The major touches on multiple aspects of the field, such as social, cognitive, abnormal, pe
After college, psychology majors may pursue a variety of career options. The study of psychology deals with human behavior--both scientifically and socially--making graduates well-suited for careers working with other people. Counselors,social workers, advocates, and therapists generally have an educati...
While opportunities are available to those interested in seeking a career to help people struggling with mental illness, there are also many nonclinical jobs for those with a graduate degree in psychology. What Jobs Can Someone Get With a Psychology Degree? Clinical psychologist Cognitive and ...
But there’s a simpler way—just ask yourself some easy critical-thinking questions, such as: What do I already know? How do I know that? What am I trying to prove? What are my motivations? You can do that in everyday situations. For example, when you and your colleagues can’t ...
skill.However,whiletoday?seducatorsareusingmoreandmoretechnologiesintheirteaching, manybelievebasichandwritingskillsarestillnecessaryforstudentstobesuccessful—bothin schoolandinlife.VirginiaBerninger,professorofeducationalpsychologyattheUniversityof Washington,saysit?simportanttocontinueteachinghandwritingandhelpchildrenacqui...
Psychometrics is the study of assessment, ensuring that tests are reliable and valid, across many fields like education and psychology.
Counselors, often with backgrounds in psychology, counseling, or human development, focus on career exploration. Coaches, typically certified in specific fields, provide guidance on concrete career steps. While the terms are sometimes used interchangeably, each professional may define their services ...
Naturally, some jobs are more fun than others. While a surprising number of PR people are terrified of it, I have always liked media relations. I like pitching stories. I’m good at it because I won’t waste the media’s time with nonsense. When I call, they answer the phone because...
What jobs can you get with a liberal studies degree? Instead of choosing a career at the beginning of their degree, liberal arts students are more likely to be focusing on learning as much as they can about the world around them, which opens up opportunities across many industry sectors. Wh...
I reached out to and gained the support of colleagues. The advice from one of them has stayed with me to this day. He said: “Remember Esther, it’s the good fight!” That gave me the energy to turn my bad stress into good stress and use that energy to ...