aThis pristine vision of the ummah, probably implict only in the very formative period of Islam, entailed a complete fusion of political and religious collectivities,the complete convergence or conflation of the socipolitical and religious communities. Indeed, the very conceptual distinction between the...
Religion:Islam Advanced Member PostedSeptember 26, 2021 According to reliable proofs Imam as-Sadiq has said, Injeel was sent down (revealed) on the 13th night of the month of Ramadhan. In another hadith according to the same source it was on the 12th night.7 ...
Let us organize a campaign and invade those lands. States and leaders changes but mentality stands still. History repeats itself at this point. First and Second World Wars are the proofs of this truth. Believers, on the other hand fight in the way of God. And fight in the cause of subli...
Fasting is not obligatory upon everyone. Some people are exempt, such as children under the age of puberty who have not yet reached adulthood. Some adults are also exempt due to their particular situation: 1. Travelers upon a journey. 2. The sick who are likely to recover. 3. Menstruating...
For example, why would Allah have to write his book in this way as well as use third person references when he is supposedly only the ONE GOD as Islam claims? Lets look at some examples: In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful. Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds, ...
the son of Mary said: 'Children of Israel, I am sent to you by Allah to confirm the Torah that is before me, and to give news of a Messenger who will come after me whose name shall be Ahmad.' Yet when he came to them with clear proofs, they said: 'This is clear sorcery.'" ...
According to Islam and also verses in the Bibles, there is no legitimate Divine Book called "Bible". It is a man-made lie. Here is an example: Deuteronomy 4:2Do not addto what I command you anddo not subtractfrom it, but keep the commands of the Lord your God that I give you. ...
We should put it here that the proofs of the existence of the hereafter are not limited to those we listed here. In the Quran, many proofs and signs related to the existence of the hereafter are highlighted. Said Nursi, having mentioned the proofs in the Quran of the existence of the ...
However, some of these results may be relevant to the ethical analyses presented herein. • The findings fall outside the scope of the original research objective or the clinical test being conducted. Moreover, these findings are not actively sought or intended by the involved researchers or ...
means hundreds of Syrians being killed. We are silent in the face of the killing of over 11,000 Syrian martyrs. At the same time and, unfortunately, there are some who are still defending this regime and delude themselves with the worn out justifications defending a ruler who has lost an...