Discover 'All you need to know about diets' including the 5:2 vegetarian diet and the flexitarian diet, then check out our delicious plant-based recipes. How does a plant-based diet work? There are various interpretations of what ‘plant-based’ eating looks like. Some people choose to incl...
Are plant-based diets healthy? But just because some foods are branded as plant-based doesn't necessarily imply they're healthy. For example, French fries, dairy-free ice cream, vegetable crisps and meat substitutes—all of these items may be free of animal products but they are not necessar...
Here's everything you need to know about a plant-based diet, and how it compares to veganism.
Plant-based diets like the Mediterranean diet have been proven to reduce the risk of certain cancers, metabolic disorders, and even heart disease. In older adults, a plant-based diet has also been effective in reducing the effects of depression and increasing physical and mental function. How to...
Experts answer questions about transitioning to plant-based eating. 1:00Plant-based diets 101: What to know about the buzzy diet trend STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images ByKatie Kindelan January 3, 2024, 4:25 PM Plant-based diets are a major wellness trend. Burger chains from McDonald's to Burger...
“Plant-based diets” is an umbrella term for diets that focus on plant foods. They generally include little to no animal products. The terms vegan and vegetarian are often used interchangeably with plant-based, but they refer to different types of plant-based diets. In general, a plant-...
The power of plants has been widely studied; some of the health benefits include reducing risks of diabetes, heart disease, cancer, and maintaining a health weight. Plant-based diets are higher in dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, heart healthy fats, antioxidants, and phytonutrients and in my...
a lack of intervention studies but there are abundant observational studies assessing the association between plant-based diets and cancer risk, including multiple longitudinal cohort studies and similar data from case-control studies that demonstrate a decreased overall cancer risk with plant-based diets...
Plant-based diets are increasingly popular, and it’s no wonder when you consider some of the health benefits. A review of studies published in the Journal of geriatric cardiology found that going meat-free could prevent, control and even reverse many chronic illnesses from heart disease, type ...
TDEE: your guide to total daily energy expenditure Are seed oils actually toxic? Beetroot juice doesn't improve performance Call to ban biscuits and cakes at school lunchtime Why you should take a vitamin D supplement The 90-30-50 diet plan, explained by experts...