LED lights are made from layers of semiconductor material (e.g., Gallium nitride or Indium gallium nitride) arranged in a particular fashion. When enough of a voltage difference is applied to this material, electrons are injected into the “n-type” side of the LED, whileholes of electronsar...
Hazelnut trees are part of the birch family. Native to the north temperate zone, they are also cultivated today in some areas in the south temperate zone. The scientific name of the world's most commonly cultivated hazelnut species isCorylus avellana. The nameCoryluscomes from the Greek ‘kory...
I hope all of you in the United States are planning to have a happy Thanksgiving, or as some like to say, a happy Turkey Day. Or as I like to think of it, a happy Gerund Appreciation Day. What better time to appreciate the English gerund than on a day that has been s...
for instance, to suggest that because people may have been wrong about various aspects of OBEs—drawn conclusions about what they are that they are probably not (tours through the waking world)—that the only option is to shift to the other side of the coin. Meaning...
We are going to look at what repentance is, what repentance does, and who should repent. As we go, we will look at some key passages which teach us about repentance. What Repentance Is The word repentance comes from the Greek wordmetanoiawhich is formed from two words,metaandnoeo. Metame...
What aremythosandkairos? Some modern scholars may also use termsmythosandkairoswhen discussing modes of persuasion or rhetoric in general. Aristotle used the termmythosto refer to the plot or story structure of Greek tragedies, i.e., how a playwright ordered the events of the story to affect ...
in content areas such as science and social studies. The majority of scholarly terms and challenging multisyllabic words are derived from Greek and Latin roots, so understanding these roots will empower and enable students to decipher the meaning of unfamiliar words. So what exactly are root words...
for example, participants often pay homage to theAztecgod Huitzilopochtli. He was the god of war and sacrifice, as well as the patron deity of Mexico City. Other popular figures include Demeter, the Greek goddess of harvest; Freya, theNorsegoddess of love; and Osiris, the Egyptian god of...
Even if Aristarchus’s heliocentric model was disputed by the other Greeks, at least some of his other conclusions appear to have attracted some support. Also, after Eratosthenes’s time, there was further work by Greek, Indian, and Islamic astronomers (such as Hipparchus, Ptolemy, Aryabhata, ...
Looking back, here are some milestones in the humble pancake’s rise to fame. The first mention of pancakes occurs in 600 BC in a poem written by a Greek poet. In 1445, the residents of Olney, the women of a small village in the U.K. begin an annual pancake race, which involved ...